He grabs the back of hair looking down on me. "You will learn."

I drop my head staring at the floor.. "Clean yourself up before any one sees you and go to your room." Jack growls.. I listen to hear his steps get farther and farther away from me to let myself cry.

Jack's P.O.V.

My wolf cannot sense Yvonne's wolf anymore.. I feel the panic overwhelming me as his temper shortens.

I don't understand her.. She may not be the mate that the Moon Goddess chose for me but she is who we chose to be our mate because the Moon Goddess chose ours wrong. Just as my wolf learned to love her and her wolf.. She can too.

I just have to show her that all she has is me.. No one else by her side. I know just the way..

I dial Skyler's number, "Our Luna needs a little shove and I need your help to do it.  -Yes. Also, call my parents to see when their arrival will be so this plan can go smoothly -Perfect. Alright. Bye."

She can only be mine and will only have me.. I will make sure of this myself. I walk to my bedroom door slowly opening it to see Yvonne curled up into a ball still wearing her gown on the right side of my bed.

I go over to the right side, sitting down grazing my hand over her bare shoulder and down her arm. I stare at her soft face and my eyes focus in on her plump pink lips.. They are tempting me to taste.. I need to taste. They are mine to taste anyway..

I lean over her kissing those lips I call mine now. Yet that one was not enough... Her lips start to move with mine.. Pulling me in more and more. My body moves to hover over hers pushing myself between her legs, dropping my lips to her neck then her collar bone.

Slight moans escape her sweet mouth.. My hands pull the dress straps over her shoulders as my kisses go lower down her chest pushing aside the necklace she wore everyday. I drop my hands to the sides of her thighs slowly bring my hands up along with her dress.


I connect my lips to hers as I move my hand up her inner thigh.. Getting closer and closer to her heat. I clasp my hand over her heat with only a thin fabric separating my hand from it. I rub gently feeling the wetness and warmth from her sweet core.

Her lips separate from mine with little moans escaping them instead..

I feel my wolf getting excited to finally have a companion.. She is finally mine and after I officially make her mine.. No one can take her away from me.

I examined her beautiful face all scrunched up and lips parted as she moaned.


His name... As his name left her lips, the anger and heartbreak took over my body.

She was thinking of him as I kissed her.. touched her. She wanted it to be Dominick.

Why? I must remind her who I am and who she belongs to.

I drop my mouth to her neck, sucking aggressively as I grip the back of hair pulling her closer and closer. Her eyes instantly shot open using her hands to push me away by my chest.

"Jack! Please.. Please stop!"

I press myself against her, moving my mouth from the side of her neck to her exposed cleavage. My eyes glance over the mark on the top of her breast left behind from Dominick.. I feel the anger boiling inside me.

She is pushing my chest with her small hands and attempts to use her little fist to hit me. I grab her wrist as she scrambles to twist out of my grip causing her necklace to rip from her neck.


The necklace hits the floor and a strong sweet.. sensational.. irresistible.. smell fills my nose.

I feel myself start to lose control.. that smell is from Yvonne.


Hello loves,

I hope you all are safe and happy! I am so sorry for this short and LATE update! I am still working currently and taking online classes. So been kind of occupied.. However, I thought I should at least try to update something for those reading! I appreciate all of you that are reading! I hope you enjoy this little teaser. Also, if there is any material that I think can be disturbing I do mark it so those that choose not to read can skip. I know some of the material in this book is sensitive and can be disturbing so it is okay to skip if needed. I try to make it so that you can still understand the story while skipping those sections.

Thank you!



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