Chapter 23

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Time apparently wasn't moving quickly like I expected it to be moving. We all had enough of hearing Paul talk about his plan. Lucie was the first to go upstairs and leave us all. She's a person who easily gets annoyed and instead of shouting she walks away.

We Lucie left us we decide we'd rest and maybe take an afternoon nap. We left Paul in the living room on the computer.
I'm all lethargic and I don't even understand why. I've not done any strenuous activity.

I enter my room and walk towards my bed and sit down at the edge. I'm thinking of all that's transpired through this whole month. How could my small life instantly turn into a huge turmoiled life.
I was just a simple non existing or maybe existing young lass. But because of that day, that tragic day those men from the summer school apparently tried abducting me changed my whole life.

As changed I'm meaning enabling me to find out I have super powers, causing me to be friends with Jake Miller and also causing this that's happening us being fugitives.

My bedroom door suddenly opens and closes but I'm not caring all I'm doing is starring at the floor as I'm dwelling in my thoughts. By the time I realized someone is standing in front of me that persons says,  "Grace Anderson are you okay?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I quiver and I stare at the person.

His starring at me and his eyes looking more bluer and glister. Jake Miller has a worried expression on his face. I blink a couple of times before nodding my head meticulously as I say, "yeah...yeah I'm good."

He clears his throat before saying, "ooh you just don't look GOOD..." his vividly said the word Good.

I slightly smile before saying, "I am trust me.."

He sits beside me before saying, "ooh are you trust me Grace I know you pretty well and you don't seem good to me. Come on tell me what's bothering you and we'll talk about it.."

I cut him and blab, "do you really know me, please yo don't know me. You've only known me for a few weeks and yet you're claiming to know me very well.." I roll my eyes after I end my blabbering.

Could he really know me, Jake Miller has only been my friend for a few weeks now and yet his claiming to know me. Though he did describe my life in a split second when I first met him.
Jake chuckles, "do I have to start with his again. Your favorite color is brown because your eyes and hair is brown, you hate socializing with your fellow peers because well I don't know why you're antisocial, you try at times to be a bad person but we all know you have a good heart and lastly Grace Anderson you thought you were a person who doesn't exist like for instance nobody ever noticed your presence but you were wrong very wrong because I noticed you everywhere." His ends as he catches his breath.

I starring at his completely dumbfounded and astonished all at once. Jake Miller knows me more than I know myself, his known me my whole life like I've known him. Could I be having another dream. No this isn't right.

His now starring away from me and continues after catching his breath, "don't ever say I don't know you because I do. Whenever you're scared your eyes change color they get more and more darker, you begin to breath heavily whenever you're nervous and you again are antisocial..."

Jake Miller has noticed every little detail, the small little details in my life those that I've never considered to be vital. How could he have? Why would he have?

Why is he even here with me, he himself said he wanted to rest and yet he came in here.

His now alluring me, no-yes he is. My face his blushing from well Jake Miller and his gazed his eyes back to me. I'm beginning to tremble from well Jake Miller. Could he also have liked me like I did or no I'm simply being fatuous.

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