Ask 35

260 7 10

This ask is from Cyber-Tech110

Autobots, do you guys know other Autobots like Ironhide and Jazz? 


Author: This is actually an interesting ask!! I can't wait to hear more about this one!!

OP: *reads ask* Oh, yes, we do. 

Ratchet: *says quietly from other side of the room* Or we did.

Taylor: *sitting on his shoulder plate* Oh..

Bulk: I know Jazz! Well, I don't know where he is currently.. but I do know him!

Miko: Yeah, you've told me about him.

Bulk: He's no wrecker, but he's fun to hang with.

WJ: Can't be as fun as me lol

Omega: *giggles* Most definitely not.

Arcee: I knew Ironhide.

OP: As did I.

Ratchet: *nods*

Ultra Magnus: I knew him as well. 

Bee: <Me too!>

Raf: Wow, a lot of you knew Ironhide!

Ratchet: Well, of course. He was one of Optimus' personally chosen generals. 

Arcee: *leans on a wall and crosses his arms* I met him for a different reason.

Jack: *confused* What do you mean?

Arcee: *frowns* I met him first as my sister's sparkmate.

Miko: WAIT. *stands up suddenly* You're telling me that the general everyone knows was dating your sister?

Arcee: *shrugs* Dating is not so highly common on Cybertron. They knew each other through battle, and became sparkmates later. Chromia decided not to tell us until much later.

Jack: And.. were you okay with it?

Arcee: *smiles softly* I was upset at first. But he was a great bot.

Raf: *looks at them sadly* ...Was?

OP: *closes optics* He was taken as a war prisoner long ago.

Ratchet: *sighs* We searched everywhere for him. Went on many rescue missions. But everything we had were false leads.

Bee: *whirrs sadly* <It's as if he dropped off of the face of the planet.>

Ultra Magnus: We never saw General Ironhide again.

*sad silence*

Taylor: I'm so sorry honey.. *rubs his cheek with her hand* That must have been awful.

Ratchet: *sighs and shakes his helm* It was war. It was not the first time. Nor was it the last.

Author: Well.. that was kind of depressing.. hopefully the next ask or dare will lighten the mood.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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