Part 10

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Vienna watched with a smirk as Monica Gaztambide argued with Arturo, thoroughly convinced they would be killed if they continued talking. However, she wasn't the only one who noticed.

Nairobi began walking in Monica's direction, Vienna following soon after. While Nairobi knelt next to Monica and pretended to tie her shoe, Vienna sat in front of her and removed all of her straps.

Nairobi looked at Monica while Vienna undid her straps and said, "Apparently you don't like your boss."

"How do you know he's my boss?" Monica asked.

"Because we know everything about you," Nairobi replied, "I studied."

Vienna continued pretending that she was stretching and relaxing her legs, but still paid attention to their conversation, "I also saw the pregnancy test on your desk. And now it's easy to imagine who's the father."

"He didn't like the gift?" Vienna softly asked, giving her full attention to the blonde, who shook her head.

"What did he say? He doesn't want the responsibility?" Nairobi asked and received a nod.

"It's not easy to say goodbye to a baby," Nairobi continued, "We would know."

A short silence went by before Nairobi asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Get an abortion," Monica spoke up after a small pause. Nairobi and Vienna looked at each other before looking back at her. Nairobi nodded at her while Vienna gave her a small smile and placed her hand on the hostage's knee.

The two women stood up and walked away, Vienna stopping only to tighten her straps and make sure they wouldn't slip off.

"It's hard, but whatever she feels is best, she should do," Vienna whispered to Nairobi.

"She's hesitant, like she doesn't want to but thinks she needs to," Nairobi shook her head. Vienna simply placed a hand on her should and gave her a quick squeeze, walking away and going to find some water.

Right when she returned, the red phone rang and Berlin notified everyone that it was time to follow him. They all rushed to the loading dock, ready for the plan to continue perfectly.

Vienna was standing between Berlin and Tokyo, waiting for the signal to put her mask on and ready her weapons. As soon as Berlin nodded, her mask went down and she turned the safeties off.

Helsinki went to the machine gun and sat there, with Vienna right behind him and pointing her guns at the door. He unveiled the weapon as if it was a gift and readied himself.

Everyone held their breaths and waited for the next movement.

Please go according to the plan. Please.

Relief flooded her when the camera disappeared and the footsteps walked away.


"Now the best part," Nairobi had a wide grin as she walked with Moscow and Oslo, "We're getting to work."

Vienna stood near the stairs, "With me and Vienna...". Nairobi began naming everyone and assigned them different roles. The named hostages went towards her and followed, not daring to try to rebel because of the two guns in Vienna's hands.

Tokyo, Nairobi, and Vienna all led them to where they would be printing money. While Nairobi gave her talk to the hostages, Vienna looked around in awe.

Soon enough, the machines were running and their dream was beginning to look like reality.

"Oh, my God! This is so wonderful!" Nairobi yelled in joy, "This is wonderful, Toki Toki! Look at it, Vivi!"

The two women laughed and looked at each other in pure bliss.

"We're doing it, Vienna!" Tokyo laughed, "We're getting our money!"


"Hey, sleepyheads," Vienna smiled at the father and son who were clearly tired. The two men were sitting at the table in the lounging area, both of their heads slightly bobbing. She approached them and took the seat next to her lover.

"Hey, hot stuff," Denver kissed her cheek, "Why are you still up?"

"I should be asking you that," she wrinkled her nose, "I didn't bring my pills, so I'm out of luck. What about you two?"

"Just not tired," Moscow said before trying to stifle a yawn. She and Denver lightly laughed at him.

"Go sleep, Moscow. I'll make sure Denver stays out of trouble," she laid her head on Denver's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her.

"You always do, Vienna. That's why you're my favorite," Moscow got up and walked towards them, "I'll try to get some shuteye."

He kissed the tops of their heads before walking out and leaving them alone.

"Berlin knows about us," Vienna calmly said as she kept her head on his shoulder.

"He what?" Denver clearly began panicking.

"He knows," she rolled her eyes at him.

"And you're not worried at all?" He asked in disbelief.

"Nope," she popped her 'p'.

"And why not?"

"Because as long as neither of us fucks up," she pointed at him and herself, "He won't tell."

"How are you so sure he meant it?" Denver pointed out.

"Berlin is a lot of things, but he isn't the type to break a deal," Vienna reminded him, "However, if he does, I'll unfortunately be down a knife."

"You know," he yawned, "sometimes I forget how much of a badass you are."

"Don't you forget it, lover boy," she giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Look at the lovebirds," Rio teased as he walked in. Vienna grabbed a pencil near her and threw it at him, not throwing it too hard.

"I'm pretty sure I can charge you for assault," he sat in Moscow's seat and threw the pencil back at her.

"I'm pretty sure I don't care," she stuck her tongue out. Rio rolled his eyes at her as Denver laughed.

"Whatever," Rio leaned back in his chair for a moment before sitting straight up again, "I can't believe I almost forgot!"

"Almost forgot what?" Denver asked.

"Helsinki gave me Vienna's meds," Rio reached into his pocket and took out a plastic baggy with a few pills in it, "He said they're a weaker dose so you won't be knocked out for 10 hours."

"Thank God," she mumbled and grabbed the baggy, placing it in her pocket.

"He also said to take them 10 minutes before your designated nap time," he added.

"Got it, jefe," she mock-saluted him while he flipped her off and imitated her facial expressions. Soon enough, their little downtime was over.

Rio stood up and left, mumbling something about his duties and his shift.

Alone again, Denver turned back to his girlfriend, "So when's the best time to fuck?"

Vienna's Heist {Money Heist/Casa de Papel}Where stories live. Discover now