Part 6

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Vienna angrily stared at her ceiling, as if the ceiling was to blame for her restless nights. The heist was in a few days and her nerves kept her up all night.

"Vaya, go to sleep, Vienna," the figure next to her groaned, "I can't sleep when you keep tossing and turning."

She sighed and sat up in the bed, leaning against the headboard of her bed. The man next to her cuddled closer and rested his head on her lap. She continued staring ahead as she played with his curls, hoping he would fall asleep.

All too soon, Denver sat up and leaned against the headboard with her, "Talk to me. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she mumbled. Not believing her, he continued pressing, "Vienna, you haven't been sleeping well this past week and it's just getting worse. Something is bothering you."

"Denver, how are you so sure that we'll make it out alive? That I'll be able to hug my little boy again? That we can run away with my son and your father and have a happy ending? Life has never been fair to us, Denver. What makes you think that it'll be fair now?" The moonlight reflected against her face, showing slow tears making their way down her face.

Unsure of what to do, he cupped her face and kissed her forehead, "All we can do is hope and stick to the plan. And if everything starts going to shit, we fight like hell and get out of there."

"But what if-" Denver cut her off and told her to stop with the 'what if's.

"Have faith in the Professor. He knows what he's doing and wouldn't send us on a suicide mission," he reassured her. She nodded and leaned into him, accepting his arms around her.

The two stayed silent, enjoying each other's company and comfort. A small breeze entered the room through the open window, sending a shiver down their spines as they cuddled closer.

"I think," Vienna spoke up and leaned closer to Denver's face, "I think..."

She trailed off and stared at him, sort of admiring him in a way. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her to sit on his lap, "You think?"

"I think I'm falling in love with you," she whispered so quietly that he was unsure if she even said it. Before he could respond, she closed the space between them and gave him a loving kiss.

He pulled away from her and held her face in his hands, smiling like a madman, "I love you. Fuck, I've loved you since we had the shooting lesson and I saw how fucking badass you are."

The two quietly laughed to themselves, hugging and kissing like there was no tomorrow.

"Imagine if the others knew?" Vienna giggled.

"They would have fucking heart attacks," Denver leaned against the headboard and laughed.


Vienna walked towards her designated seat between Denver and Rio and sat without saying a word.

"Holy shit, Vienna," Tokyo gasped from across the table, "You look dead."

"I feel like I am," she groaned and grabbed a piece of toast with butter.

"Have you been sleeping lately?" Nairobi worryingly asked her. Vienna had slowly begun looking worse as the days went by, worrying everyone in the group.

She snorted and stuffed the toast in her mouth, "At this point, I don't even think a horse tranquilizer can help me sleep."

Helsinki sighed and went to stand behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders, "Vienna, sleep is best medicine."

"You need to sleep because we can't have our weapons master sleep-deprived inside the Royal Mint," Berlin interjected as he sat in his own seat, "Because once you're not at your best, we are all thoroughly fucked."

"Berlin has a point, Vienna," the Professor walked towards the table and took his own seat, "You're the only one who doesn't have any sort of record, making you the best one because you've never been caught."

"What do you mean she's never been caught? How did you find out about her?" Rio asked from next to Vienna.

"I found her contractor and asked about his best worker. He pointed me in her direction and mentioned that she's never been caught. She's also more experienced, considering who her mother was," the Professor explained while he buttered his toast.

"Who was your mother?" Berlin asked, looking in Vienna's direction. Unfortunately, she was passed out cold on the table, head in her folded arms.

Everyone was confused until Helsinki laughed, motioning towards her, "Sleep caught up to her."

Helsinki's loud laughter shook Vienna from her sleep, snapping her head up and looking around. An embarrassed blush formed on her face as she stood up from the table and excused herself.

"I'll get her," Denver stood from the table and followed after her, into the house. He went straight to her room, knowing she was probably washing her face. Just as he guessed, she was in the bathroom and was splashing cold water on her face.

"Vienna, you need to-" Denver's sentence was cut off by the sleep-deprived woman, "Don't you dare finish that sentence. I'll be fine."

"No, you won't. And you know it," he walked closer to her and pulled her towards him by her waist, "Listen to me. Tonight, you're going to ask Helsinki for some sleep medication and you are going to take your ass to bed and have the best fucking sleep of your life, okay?"

She nodded and caressed his face with her hands, feeling the smoothness of his face. She tiptoed and gave him a quick kiss, "Thank you, Denver."

He smiled at her and peppered kisses all over her face, not stopping until she giggled and pulled away. They separated and Vienna dried her hands and face, "Okay, let's go back and get this day over with so I can sleep."

The two walked back to the table in silence and with a little distance between each other. They took their seats and served their full breakfast as everyone else continued talking.

"So, Vienna," Berlin cleared his throat, "you're young, smart, and beautiful. Why are you stealing and not working a normal job?"

Nairobi threw a bunched up napkin at him, "You can't just ask people why they're robbers!"

"I just did," he replied casually, "Vienna?"

"If Vienna doesn't want to tell you then she doesn't have to," Denver became protective.

Vienna laid her hand on his arm and shook her head before speaking, "Normal jobs don't pay enough for my son to be able to eat everyday. Especially when it's only my income."

Everyone else's faces were surprised when they heard she had a son, except for the people that already knew.

"I thought you were smarter than that. Having a kid so young and ruining your life? Must be horrible," Berlin remarked and picked up his drink. Before anyone else could react, a butter knife found its way to his cup, shattering it completely.

"Have care how you speak to me, Berlin. I may be quiet, but I'm not a pushover," Vienna glared at him while taking a sip from her own drink, "Next time, I won't miss."

Everyone was silent as they tried to process what had just happened. Berlin insulted Vienna and she threw a knife at him in response.

"Professor, you sure you hired a robber or a hitwoman?" Rio laughed from his position next to her.

"You're just an all-around badass," Nairobi complimented her.

"You have no idea how hot that was," Denver whispered in her ear before leaning back in his seat and continuing his breakfast. Vienna laughed and shrugged at Berlin, who was cleaning the broken glass.

Vienna's Heist {Money Heist/Casa de Papel}Where stories live. Discover now