Part 7

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The heist was tomorrow and Vienna found herself having another sleepless night. The sleeping pills given to her by Helsinki lay on her nightstand, untouched.

Her thoughts were going at full speed, filling her with anxiety and insecurities.

What if I can't get Cairo after we escape?

What if we can't escape?

What if one of us gets shot?

What if one of us dies?

What if the police does something unexpected and we don't know what to do?

What if-

"Stop doing that," a voice spoke out. Vienna sat up and looked at the person standing at her doorway. Rio looked at her with pity, "Stop it. You're not helping anyone by doing that."

"Doing what?" She played dumb. Rio sighed and walked over to her bed, sitting next to her, "Stop overthinking. I know you're overthinking and it can cause more harm than good."

Vienna scooted towards the middle of the bed and gave Rio more space to sit next to her and lean against the headboard, "How'd you know?"

"Vienna, we're the same age. I would know how someone my age thinks," he looked over at her and gently elbowed her.

She nodded before he continued, "I know you have more to lose than most of us. But we're going to be fine and you will see your son again, even if it's the last thing I do. I promise."

"That's a pretty big promise," Vienna humorlessly chuckled, "but we both know that he's not the only thing I have to lose."

"Mira," Rio turned his entire body to face Vienna, prompting her to do the same, "You and Denver are both some of the best fighters we have. You two are the most seasoned fighters. You've fought your entire life and so has he. Don't worry about him, okay?"

She smiled at him and grabbed his hand, giving him a gentle squeeze, "He's a big boy, Vi. He can take care of himself."

"I guess you're right," she laughed and leaned her head forward, to lean on his shoulder. A few moments of silence passed between the two before Vienna spoke up again.

"Do you mean it? The promise?" She quietly asked.

"Of course I mean it. I'll do whatever it takes to reunite you two," Rio leaned his head on top of hers.

"I should make you his godfather for that," she laughed into his shoulder, "He can call you Nino Rio."

"Nino Rio has a nice ring to it," he laughed with her.

Once more, they both fell silent and enjoyed each other's comfort.

"Oye, Vienna," Rio spoke up and received a hum in return, "What are your plans after this?"

She stayed quiet for a second and thought it over before saying, "Grab my son and get the hell out of here. The other details can be figured out later. Denver wants me to go with him and Moscow but I'll officially decide when we escape the Mint. What about you and Tokyo?"

"No idea yet. I was thinking maybe getting an island and living out the rest of our days there," he replied.

"Just," she sighed and sat up in front of him, "Just be careful. Like you said earlier, they're big kids. We're the little ones. But if we can take care of ourselves, then they sure as hell can take care of themselves."

"You're right."

Rio glanced at the clock and realized he should be sleeping, even though the sun had set just a few hours earlier.

"It's time to sleep, Vi. Take your sleeping pills and then I'll be on my way," he grabbed her pills and popped them in her mouth before giving her the bottle of water. He waited until he was completely sure that she had taken them, only then leaving the room and calling it a night.

"Goodnight, hermanita," he whispered and closed the door. He was absolutely sure that she was asleep already, mostly because the sleeping pills react quickly.


Elena slid open the first-floor window from the outside, careful not to trip any alarms. She opened it just enough to be able to slip into the small house and softly land on the carpeted floor. Her hand rested on top of the knife secured to her thigh.

She made her way to the room she knew belonged to him.

She knew he lived alone in his small house, and that he would fall asleep early. She snuck to his room and carefully opened the door, avoiding any sort of squeak from it.

Lying on the bed, sleeping on his back, was the brute known as Ronaldo. The man who ruined her life in one night.

Elena took her knife out of its sheath and readied herself. She knew exactly how to make him pay. 

She crept towards his bed and instantly covered his mouth and brought the knife to his neck. He startled awake before she shushed him, saying, "Stay still, or I'll make you the next mute bitch."

The older man furiously nodded his head and stayed still in fear of her completing her threat.

"Actually, I changed my mind," she hummed, "you'll still be the next mute bitch."

Before the man could react, she brought the knife across his neck and hit major vital areas. She moved awake as quickly as she could to avoid the blood splatter and left him locked in his room, hearing him choking on his own blood. 

Just as she entered, she exited the house and made sure to close the window and cover her tracks. Her black gloves concealed her fingerprints and her hair was carefully tucked into her hoodie, with a black mask covering her face and little bags covering her feet to prevent dirtying her shoes. 

The police would have no way of tracing anything back to her. 

Once at a certain distance from his house, she removed the bags on her feet and dumped it in a public trash can. 

There was no way they could tie his death to her. No way.


"Shit, Helsinki, did you give her elephant tranquilizers?" Denver asked. Helsinki shrugged at the door of the room, "I gave her medicine that the Professor gave me."

Denver turned to face the sleeping woman and continued shaking her, "Vienna, wake up. Come on, we need to get ready."

Nothing. She continued sleeping.

"Denver, is she up yet?" Rio poked his head into the room and left when he received a 'no'. 

"Vienna!" Helsinki yelled as loud as he could. 

Vienna jumped out of her sleep and nearly fell off the bed, had Denver not been at the edge.

The two began laughing as she caught her breath, "Thanks for the scare, Jesus Christ."

"You need to get ready. The heist is today," Helsinki laughed and walked out of the room, leaving the two of them together. 

"Was there no other way to wake me up?" Vienna complained and stood from the bed. She went to her dresser and grabbed her clothes while heading to the shower.

"Vienna," Denver said with a straight face, "You were deader than a corpse."

"Ya, stop exaggerating," she rolled her eyes at him, "I'm ready, so let's get our damn money."

Vienna's Heist {Money Heist/Casa de Papel}Where stories live. Discover now