Part 9

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Vienna watched with a bored face as Berlin requested everyone's communications, placing hers in his hand. He dumped all of the earpieces into the fish tank and told Rio to call the Professor.

Berlin began filling in the Professor on all of the events that had just occurred, telling him how Tokyo shot and wounded two officers.

He ordered for the cameras to be connected so the Professor could see them.

"Rio got grazed and Tokyo shot. Apparently, they're involved," Vienna's head snapped towards him in shock.

He passed the phone to Tokyo and she vehemently denied the relationship, hung up on him, and left with Nairobi following after her.

Vienna sighed and left the room without a second glance, wanting to find a place to relax and clear her head. Walking with no direction, she stumbled upon a small office, with a desk and couches. She made her way to the windows and closed the curtains just in case the police could see inside. 

Finally alone, she sat at one of the couches and leaned back, closing her eyes. Unfortunately, her little moment was ruined when someone entered the room and slammed the door shut.

"For fuck's sake," she groaned, "There was absolutely no reason to slam the door. This isn't your house."

"I," Denver stuttered and hung his head, "I figured I should apologize. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that and upset you. I'm sorry."

His head quickly snapped up when Vienna began laughing. She was in a hysterical laughing fit and didn't seem to be calming down any second. 

"Uh," he was confused, "Vienna, you okay?"

"It's just," she was finally calming down, "It's just funny that you think I was upset over your yelling when I literally threatened you. Denver, if I ever perceived you as a threat, you wouldn't take another breath, got it?"

"Yes?" Denver was still confused as ever, unsure of what just happened. She smiled at him and stood up, giving him a quick kiss before leaving. Right as she reached the door, she giggled and mumbled, "Me? Upset over some yelling? As if."


Mostly everyone was sitting in the lounging area, listening to the Professor and the Inspector's conversation. 

Vienna was sitting across from Moscow, with her legs on the table as she took off her weapons. After a while, the straps get uncomfortable and this would be one of the few chances she had enough time to undo the straps.

"What are you wearing?" The Professor asked the Inspector. The robbers all looked at each other and smiled. 

Everything was going according to plan.

Vienna stood up and strapped up again, "I'll go check on the corderito."

"She's with Rio," Berlin notified her, "So there's no need."

"Mira, Berlin," Vienna walked closer to him, "she is the ambassador's daughter. At some point in her life, she was taught how to fight and use weapons, believe it or not. And our beloved Rio wouldn't hurt a fly, so I'm going to check on them." With that, she walked out of the room and made her way to where Rio and Alison Parker would be. 

When she entered the room, Rio was facing away as Alison was changing into the red jumpsuit. Neither of the two noticed her, so she leaned against the doorframe and loudly cleared her throat. Both Alison and Rio jumped in surprise, Rio asking, "What're you doing here?"

Vienna raised an eyebrow and looked over at Alison. 

"You're here because of me?" Alison asked in confusion. Vienna nodded at her and motioned Rio to follow her out of the room.

As soon as the door closed, Vienna said, "Be careful with her. She's not some defenseless little girl."

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm the one with a gun, not her," Rio countered.

"And I know 70 ways to kill someone with my bare hands. What's to say that she doesn't? Just be careful and don't trust her too much," she snapped at him. 

"Fine," he rolled his eyes at her and went back into the room.


"Well, I'd record a music album. Corridos," Moscow said to everyone sitting at the table, "With this face on the cover."

Everyone was talking about what they would do with their money, minus Vienna because she had no idea what she was going to do with it. 

"Like Bertín Osborne," Rio laughed, "But 60 pounds heavier."

Vienna laughed from her seat next to him and took a sip of her wine, "Bertín sings Rancheras, idiot. Moscow said Corridos. Two very different genres."

"Thank you! Someone who understands," Moscow thanked Vienna, receiving a simple nod in return. 

"Show them what a Corrido is, Dad," Denver suggested between Vienna and Moscow. 

Moscow refused, but everyone kept urging him to sing and show them what a Corrido is. 

They all started chanting for him to sing, so he stood from the table and approached Tokyo, singing a song.

Denver stood from the table and joined him, singing and pointing at Vienna. She dramatically fluttered her eyes and placed a hand over her heart. Soon enough, the father and son began dancing as they sang. The two stopped behind Vienna's chair and each placed a hand on her shoulders. 

Moscow took Vienna's hand and made her stand up, handing her over to Denver and the two started dancing. Everyone else, minus the Professor, stood and danced while Denver and Moscow sang their hearts out. 

"I didn't know you sang," Vienna teased Denver as the two continued dancing.

"Only for my dad," he sheepishly admitted. Vienna smiled at him and squeezed his hand, "Cute."


"On your feet!" Berlin announced as he walked in. Denver and Vienna stood right behind him, stopping next to Oslo and Helsinki. 

"Take off your masks," he continued ordering the hostages. Hesitantly, all of the hostages took off their masks as Berlin kept talking. Denver and Vienna began distributing the bags with the red jumpsuits.

Arturo stopped Berlin and begged him to let the most vulnerable go, prompting Denver to approach them. Vienna sighed as she handed Helsinki the bag with the jumpsuits and went to stop him from doing something dumb.

"Who do you think you are? Fucking Gandhi?" Denver aggressively asked, still approaching them before Vienna stood in front of him and forced him to stop.

"Relax, Denver," Berlin soothingly said and tried to calm him down. As he walked away, Denver stepped around Vienna and pointed a gun at Arturo, causing some gasps and screams. She rolled her eyes at his antics, knowing he wouldn't kill the director of the Mint. 

She walked away and watched his little show from next to Berlin.

"You definitely chose an amazing lover," Berlin whispered to her. Her head swiftly turned to him and looked at him in confusion, "Of course I know. Most of us do. Except for the Professor, obviously. Don't worry, I won't tell him about your relationship. As long as neither of you endangers the mission."

Denver finished his little show and laughed at Arturo's internal conflict while Berlin announced that fake weapons would be distributed to the hostages. 

Helsinki and Vienna walked down the aisle of hostages, handing them fake M16s and handguns. 

"Come on, take off your clothes," Berlin said, "Come on."

Vienna's Heist {Money Heist/Casa de Papel}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt