10. Holi celebration II

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"I am not afraid of him." I said while looking Keerti and Emily.

"Okey so prove us wrong." Emily said.

"How..?" I asked her.

"Kiss him in front of everyone.." Emily said while shrugging her shoulders.

"He will be the most happiest person here if bhabhi kissed bhayi in front of everyone." Keerti scoffed.

"Throw bucket of coloured water on him. I am damn sure he is not gonna like it." Keerti said looking at me daringly.

"He will be pissed off as hell." Emily laughed.

"I am not gonna do this. He will not leave me." I said with my horrifying expression.

I looked towards his direction and he was having fun. Throw the full plate of colour on him, is like putting yourself in trouble. I am not going to pull such stunt.

"See I told you she is afraid of bhayi."
Keerti said to Emily in duh! tone.

"Okey Preeti...It's not more a question of you afraid of him or not. Take it is as a challenge and do what keerti told you earlier. " Emily said.

I denied again but after lot of convincing from both of their side I finally agreed to pull the stunt.

"All the best bhabhi.." Both Keerti and Emily show their thumbs up to me.

I shake my head on them and started walking towards the lion's den. He was laughing with his friends while enjoying his drink. I can't believe I agreed to this.

I think this is not the good idea. I should go back. I turned back but both keerti and Emily glaring at me.

I nodded my head and took a deep breath.

I can do this.

I took a fistfull colour in both hands and started walking again towards him. It should be batter if I play little safe.

I located a bucket full water is putting near them. Kids filling there water guns from it.

When I get closer to him he saw me walking towards him. His lips curled into a beautiful smile when he looked at me. I cannot believe I am going to ruin this smile.

He is going to hate me. He hates to get wet with his clothes on.

"Hii..." He said in a low voice while smiling beautifully which make any girl turned into deep red shade.

"Hii.." I said while blushing.

Get your grip preeti. Focus on why you are here.

He put his glass on table and looked at me.

"Happy holi Preeti.." Nick and james wished me in unison.

I chuckled nervously and wished him back.

"You want something?" Siddharth said looking at me.

I hope he didn't notice my hands.

"No I just come here to ask you guys if you want something." I said while walking close to him.

God Please forgive me to lie to him.

I walked closer to him that I was only one step away from him. He looked at me suspiciously.

Before he could find something is wrong I splashed the colour on his chest with the sound of thump. We both turned our heads because of cloud colour spread in the air. Nick and james are little taken back. I have a huge smile on my face.

The Journey Of Love (#2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang