Bailey wanted to get help for Max, but on the other end of things, she couldn't trust anyone, Max wouldn't trust anyone, no matter how hard you pushed, not even the police. There was only one person in this world that Max would ever trust her life with, the only person Bailey knew could do wonders for Max, but she was gone, she was far away. Bailey can only hope that one day, for whatever reason, El will come back to Hawkins, and she can save Max from all that she goes through.

     Max turned and found the little girl sitting there staring down at her lap, not laying another finger on the rest of her food. Max sighed and took a seat in the chair across from the girl, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. "Hey." She said to Bailey, but the girl didn't answer. Max went and rested her head on the table, reaching a hand out to Bailey to get her attention. "Bails." The little girl finally looked up at Max, staring into her pained eyes. "I know. I know you're worried about me, but I really am fine. I am. I know, a lot goes on, but I always find a way out of it, I always do."

"But you're still getting hurt." Bailey said. The older girl inhaled deeply.

"I know, but I'm still alright. I'm fine." Bailey shook her head, she didn't want to listen to Max's lies anymore, she was done.

"No. It's not okay Max."

"I know Bailey, but I'm gonna be oka-"

"No!" She said slamming her hand on the table causing Max to jump. "No you won't!" She whimpered, tears welling in her little blue eyes. "You're never fine because you're always in pain. You're always hurting! No one should be hurting as much as you do." Max could only sit and stare at the little girl watching the tears trickle down her red cheeks. "You don't deserve this."

"Bailey I...I'm sorr-"

"No! Don't say it! Stop saying that! Stop saying you're sorry! You're not supposed to be sorry!" By now Max was frozen, she was gone, full shut down, it was like a black out, but no violence involved. "This isn't your fault. There's nothing to be sorry about." Bailey looked back at Max noticing her blank staring. She reached up and placed her hands on her cold cheeks looking closely at the older girl waiting for Max look at her, but nothing. "Say something. Please, say something." She said quietly.

     Suddenly sirens rang from outside making both girls jump. They looked to the door then at each other before scrambling to exit the house.

     The two girls stood outside in the porch watching police cars rush down the driveway and skid to a stop in front of their house. Maxs heart began to pound realizing they could be here for her, but how did they find out? Did Ms. Kelley tell them? Was it the principal? A friend? Even then, why so many? Bailey came close to Max and wrapped an arm around her, the older girl resting her hand on her shoulder in return.

     From ahead they watched each officer rushed out of their cars and into the house across from theirs, the Munsons. Max relaxed, relieved they weren't here for her, but a new suspicion was raised, what was happening? Whatever it was, something was off, very very off.

"Stay here." Max told Bailey. The little girl obeyed and stayed in her spot while Max walked off.

     The redhead slowly approached the home across from hers, staring into the open door. As she got closer she could see the chief of police knelt over what looked like a body, examining it. When Max was close enough the chief stood up and stepped away from his spot, finally showing the teen the mangled body of Chrissy Cunningham. She grew pale, her heart dropping to her stomach and her ears began to ring.

"Hey!" She jumped and turned meeting face to face with another officer. "You can't be out here. Get back inside." He said harshly. Max turned and looked at the body one last time. "Back inside!" The officer commanded. The redhead looked back up at him then finally pushed past to go back to her trailer.

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