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I like how we're starting this book with a festive feeling lol
Anyway, lets beginnn, Bismillah!

I stood with Rahim, my brother, while my mom and dad searched for our luggage.

Like everytime, we were late to depart and arrive at the baggage claim, thanks to our not so organised family.

It was still just four in the morning, we'd landed an hour back, I was starving, and no one cared.

Hyderabad's airport buzzed with activity, it was somewhat warm inside, but I knew as soon as I stepped out, the December air would kill me.

Rahim tugged my sleeve,

"What?" I snapped.

He looked at me with sleepy eyes,

"Where's Wareesha didi?"

I rolled my eyes, "Why don't you go and search, Rahim?"

I didn't pay much attention to him after that, I mean, he's six. And he's sleepy. There wasn't much he could do.

Or so I thought.

Because five minutes later, I couldn't find him anywhere.

Mom was going to kill me.

I cursed under my breath- not a good thing, blah, blah- but nonetheless searched as far as I could without raising suspicion, only to be disappointed.

Having absolutely no energy and choice, I made my way to my pair of twin elder siblings.

Arisha and Fahim, who looked as bored as ever, were leaning against a wall, Arisha's head on his shoulder, her hijab nearly falling off while Fahim played on his phone.

I tugged his arm, "Hey, Fahim."

He spared me a glance, "Hi Naysha, did you lose Rahim again?"

I shrugged, "Well, not exactly. He asked me about Wareesha, so I told him to go search himself. And...he wentawayandnowIcan'tfindhim. Please help me."

While Fahim rolled his eyes and muttered something about me never changing, Arisha whacked me on my head, hard enough to cause half my hair to fall out of my hijab and over my face,

"This is the reason I hate you! He's six, Naysha!"

I snorted, "Okay, miss best older sister of all time, now help me search for him."

She quickly adjusted her hijab and walked ahead, leaving me all alone, again.

Alright, I usually wasn't so careless, but right now, I was hungry.

After twenty agonizingly long minutes of me searching for him under pull along trolleys- that was a dumb thing to do- I gave up.

Fishing out my phone, I messaged in our siblings group- which consisted of four of us, me, Arisha, Fahim and Wareesha, who was younger than me by six years- asking them if any of us found him.

But either luck was not on my side, or Allah was testing me, because I accidentally sent the message in our family group.

So now, all my uncles and aunties and cousins and grandparents and my parents knew that I lost Rahim.

The group flooded with messages and I face palmed myself. God damn WHY?!

I was pretty sure this would reach my extended to extended family and even my cousins' in-laws by morning.

"Naysha Abdullah."

"Shit." I muttered under my breath, turning around with a sheepish smile,

"Good morning, mamma."

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