Chapter 12: Oriental Restaurant

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October 29, 10:24 PM: The howl of the wind could be heard through the window, as black clouds billowed past the windows against the starless night sky. Gun, Goo and Xian were chilling in Goo's room as both men sat were in their robes, legs propped on the coffee table as they watched the young girl hopping up and down the king-sized bed in her pyjamas like a deranged rabbit. 

Goo eyed her with a grin on his face as he sat a little straighter, hoping to catch a peek of her as she bounced as let out a low whistle in approval. Gun, on the other hand, had a bored look on his face as she went crashing onto the sheets with a happy giggle.

"Kid, you're gonna put a hole in the bed."

"Oh c'mon! Let me!" she sang cheerfully, "My parents never let me do this!"

He shot her a stern glare but she didn't notice, too busy getting up and bouncing all over again. At the same time, he caught Goo grinning at her hungrily out of the corners of his eyes and he elbowed him.

("Dick to yourself.")

("Go fuck yourself, you prick.")

Xian stopped playing as she eyed them curiously, wondering what they were scuffling about.

"Hey go on, kid! Don't let us stop you," Goo called, after realising she'd stopped bouncing, "You can do whatever you want when you're with us."

"I can?" 


The blonde grinned as he leaned back, resting his legs on the coffee table. Gun scowled at him, wondering what the shifty bastard was getting up to.

"We're fucking loaded, kid," he continued with an arrogant gleam in his eyes, "We can do whatever we want, go wherever we want and buy whatever the fuck we want. This is the life I tell you."

"You asshole," Gun hissed, loud enough for him to hear, "You sound like such a prick."

"As if you're any better," Goo sneered at him.

Gun didn't reply, only smirking arrogantly.

"In this world, it's all about money," he called to her huskily, "If you have money, this world is yours."

She crossed her arms at him.

"Pfft! Yeah right!"

"Hey, it's true, kid!" Goo cut in.

"What d'you even do with all that money anyways, huh?"

"Buy stuff. Duh."


"Cars, clothes, shoes.." 

"Ooh, there's a new suit I want from Cesare Attolini," Goo added, shaking his leg excitedly, "Their new winter collection looks nice." 

Xian arched an eyebrow at him, an amused smirk making its way onto her face.

"Y'know, something tells me you're the type of people who just collect a bunch of cars and leave them there."

Gun took a sip of his wine.

"We have a Rolls-Royce back home," he said, thinking about how their boss had given it to them with the intent of letting them use it for work.


"We're not allowed to get more cars," Goo grumbled, and his shoulders slumped in annoyance ("I thought you said you could do whatever you want--" "Shut up, kid.").

Xian chuckled at them in amusement before she tilted her head to the side, eyeing them curiously.

"What kind of cars would you want? If you were allowed to get them, that is."

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