5 year anniversary.

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Today was mine and Corey's  five year anniversary. We had decided that this year we weren't going to do anything to fancy we where just going to have a meal at home, that we where going to cook togher.

We decided  to cook lobster, I boil it while Corey cooks the mac n cheese from scratch.
Once the main course was cooked we worked on the best part the dessert.We decided on making chocolate cookies so that we could eat them whilst watching a film.
I put all the ingredients all togher and mix until the dough is formed.
Both me and Corey use heart cookie cutters to cut the dough and put them on the tray.
We wait for the cooker to heat to the right temperature. 

Finally it was time to eat.The conversation was flowing like the drinks.
We finish eating our main meal we move into the the living room with our cookies and watch After. Once the film is over we go to bed.

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The next morning everyone is laughing and joking in the kitchen. we all decide to make tik tokes for the house account. We end up spending the whole morning dancing and doing funny skits.
"I feel like a star bucks." I say.
"Same." Sam says.
"Me too to be honest." Corey says.
"I'm craving a cinnamon swirl to be fair." Jake says.
"Star bucks BLT for lunch would be great." Colby adds.

With us all wanting star bucks we get into Corey's car and set off.
We get their and ordered. Whilst we waited we bumped into some fans.
considering we had time we decided to take pictures with them
"Thank you." They say as they leave.

We get our orders and head back home.
"Hey Colby remember that abandoned water park we explored in the desert with Elton?" Sam asks.
"Yeah, what about it?" Colby asks.
"We where thinking about doing paint balling up there but we never got around to doing it." Sam answers.
"Very true, how about we get the whole friend group togher and go up there and have some fun." Colby suggests.

We get home,Sam and Colby spend the rest of the day sorting out the paintball fun that was going to happen in an abandoned water park in the middle of the desert.

// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //  // // // // // // //  // // // // // // // // // // // // /// // // /// // /    Today was the day we where gonna go paint balling with everyone; Me,Corey,Colby,Sam,Jake,Elton,Kat,Tara,Devyn and a lot more.
we  got geared up in our safety wear.Elton hands out paintball guns and ammunition,
"Right, everyone get in teams of three." He says.
 I go with Kat and Devyn.
"You have 3 minutes to hide, once the 3 minutes  are up you can shoot." Elton explains
"3.2.1." He shouts. Then we all run for cover.

This day would be a day to remember for ever. Spending time as a group was a great way to spend it . Everyone was so close and i know that i could talk to any of them about anything.
After we have had hundreds of rounds of paintball we go to in and out.
We decide to eat in so that we can prolong this time before we have too go home.

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