3. Lost

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Jon' drunk eyes slid towards the money on the table, it was his money; money he lost, and he was losing, but the compulsion of the craving to gamble more, to test the luck more, to push it around the plate more, grew furiously, as he slapped the remaining $200 on the desk from his pocket, his nostrils flared from the anger he felt, but he couldn't do anything about it.

It was the last penny of money he was left with, which meant he would have to stagger all the way to home.

But suddenly the money was slid back to him as well as all the lost money he had lost, his eyes widened momentarily, as he shockingly looked up into the new man who took the place of the last one, the last man sitting in the corner, smirking.

Jon looked into the beady eyes of the man which seemed to sparkle under the dim lighting of the club. The beady grey eyes slid towards Jon, as a smirk slipped on his lips. He motioned towards the money as though he wants to say 'this is all yours' the beady eyed man motioned the girl distributing the cards to reshuffle and distribute, she busied herself in shuffling the cards, as Jon looked confused at the man. He knew except those $200 he had no money with him, and he had already invested the money in this gamble, and playing like this will only get him into debt, which he didn't wanted.

Although he was drunk, he was not dimwitted he had enough senses to accept that for that day, he was empty. Although, he would prefer a shot of poison over admitting that, but still, as he looked up at the beady eyed man through his lashes, he knew that the man was full, opposite of his pocket situation.

"I can't play more man." Jon grumbled under his breath, enough for the man to hear.

The beady eyed man was drunk, too. But if anyone would peg him for no sensible, they'd be a fool. Though his eyes were beady, they were clever and cunning, he knew how to play cards, and better, he knew how to turn the tables for his favor. That's what he did, as he slipped a stack of money under the table to the girl, who shuffled the cards, she slipped the bundle under her butt as she sat on the money to hide from other people' line of sight; when Jon was busy huffing and grunting.

"You're wrong, man. You can play one more game. Just last game. And if you won, all the money you lost and owe us, from last week will be ignored." The beady eyed man hissed like the snake he was.

Jon' eyes widened as he heard about the proposal, but he knew things don't work that way there, there had to be a catch.

"What's the catch?" Jon grumbled as he frowned at the man, even though he was doubtful, the greed of having all the money somewhat attracted him, and he looked forward for that game which the stranger was suggesting to. The beady eyed man looked down as a cruel and taunting smirk spread onto his lips as he opened his mouth to explain catch he was talking about.

"I... heard you have daughters." Just the word daughters rang in Jon' mind, even if he was such a cruel man, he would never sell his daughters.

But what about the one, who isn't his daughter, what's the harm selling a bastard child, it was the best way to teach her where she stands, what she deserves, hell.

She deserved hell, which the beaded eyes assured of. Jon contemplated for a moment as he thought about throwing the bastard away, he would then have to deal with cheating ass of her mother, who was just going to eat away his money, and for no good, but then he never loved her after the day he got to know that she cheated onto him.

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