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Guilt is the most powerful weapon when mixed with the manipulation of an evil mind. Guilt is the most greatest and most lethal arrow, when placed on the bow of manipulation and then pulled with the string of evil words, the more the evil words, the more the string stretch and the more forceful and harmful blow.

Words, shocking isn't it?

What many tanks, guns, missiles and weapons can't do, words can do. And that's where this story begins.

Once there was a woman, with captivating brown eyes, and long straight, smooth black hair, she fell in love with a man, the lady was so innocent, but there's always a saturation point, when things become constant, she married the man, and when once he went out of the town, a small rendezvous of the lady ended up in a one-night-stand, she couldn't believe she could let that happen, for a non-drinker like her, small amount of alcohol was enough to make her drunk.

But at least that wasn't an ugly man, she remembered everything about that night, she refused to say, to open up. So she needed up writing about all the events in her journal, to get the guilt off of her shoulder. Needless to say, she did the deed with her husband as soon as he got home, so if she gets pregnant, she would have an excuse. She hid the journal in the attic, no one would search it up?

And hence, the inevitable came, she got pregnant, and it wasn't her husband' child, it was strangers' baby, but the lady refused to hate the child, the lady never met her father, and rarely spoke of her family, but she was ready to use her family' excuse if the features of the baby did not matched hers.

Knowing how it felt when you don't have a father, she wanted the child to have a father, so she played along, and what were the chances that the baby would look or have features of her father.

Knowing that wife was heavy with child, the man was happy ecstatic even, and loved the unborn child like his own. And then the day of the delivery came, everyone was happy until the baby opened her eyes.

It was a girl.

She had a head full of ink black hair, her long lashes touched her cheek as she slept peacefully in her mothers' arms, and everyone had yet to see what her eyes looked like.

And when the doctor came, and the baby cried, hungry for food, everyone looked at her eyes, and that was what they all could do for a half minute.

The eyes of the fairy looking girl did not matched her mother, neither matched her father. But as the man asked doctor, the lady panicked, she was scared that her child' future would be worse than hers, a childhood with no father was better than a childhood with a father who despise the child.

The doctor gulped as he pretended to check the vitals, he couldn't say anything about it, and the baby had different eyes. But he couldn't point at the lady that she might have slept with someone else.

She looked too innocent for a sin like that.

And then the lady searched her mind as she panicked, her heart thudded in her chest as she could feel the blood rushing in her ears.

"She have my father' eyes." She whispered the only excuse she could find, she was educated and knew about genetics. The man' eyes snapped to his wife, she laid unmoving, he rarely heard his wife speak of her family, she had those big doe eyes of hers filled with tears, he could never expect her to do anything like that.

And so he believed.

He believed the words she said, he looked at the doctor for explanation, finding a relief in the situation, the doctor sighed, relieved. True, the lady is too innocent to be cheating on her husband, he thought.

He cleared his throat as he found the solution of the problem.

"It's possible, some traits are recessive in one generation, but can be dominate in another. In this case, Diana have brown eyes, means her mother' eye character played the dominant role in her case, but in Diana's and she still have her father' trait, which came out as dominate in this generation. It happens, some kids' facial structure matches their grandparents sometimes." He finished as he looked at the lady who seemed oblivious to everything aside the baby, the baby groped at the gown she wore, and cried for food. The lady smiled as she clutched the kid to her chest.

She will get what I lost, Diana thought.

After that day, Jon loved his daughter and his wife, and after six years Diana had also given birth to the twins who were gorgeous and Jon's.

Everything was normal until Scarlett' 6th birthday.

They named her Scarlett due to her easily and forever pink, rosy cheeks. The girl was absolute bundle of adorableness. She was shy and quiet, always busy with her own self. She did not liked to disobey, that's why she was daddy' princess.

But in a just she was thrown off that title, when Jon found the journal Diana had written years ago, she herself had forgotten about that. How could she expect anyone to find it, but Jon did.

And to say he was furious would be an understatement. He was livid, he was enraged.

And from that day, every miss happening was blamed onto the little girl, on the girl who had not even gained senses properly. And here comes the blow of manipulation, Jon manipulated Diana into believing that the little girl was a sin, a mistake, and most of all unworthy of love, but no matter how much he manipulated her, she couldn't make herself hate the innocent child. She pretended to hate the girl before Jon, but loved her behind his back, as days went by, Diana was often lost in her thoughts, her guilt was eating up her alive, how ironic.

When one day she went to the normal grocery shopping, she slipped into her guilt filled thoughts and couldn't see the truck coming in front of her, and a collision was it all took, when she fell into coma.

From that day, the absolute torture began, now whenever Jon was angry Scarlett was his release, he would hit her, call her names.

And that is where it started.

Scarlett has been innocent and shy all her life, perfect image of Diana, even though the twin girls Jon had, could not match the beauty of the bastard child.

The inky long black hair which reached below her hips, soft shiny and straight, she was second Diana, minus the eyes.

If she wouldn't had the eyes of the bastard, Jon would've even discarded the journal as a reckless writing of Diana but it wasn't those mesmerizing blue eyes of her on the pale white skin, which made her look like a fallen angel, was a reminder. It was an ugly reminder to Jon that she do not have his blood streaming down her veins, she is a bastard child, and hence she would be treated so.


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