2. Words

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Scarlett brushed her teeth as she rubbed her sore neck from sleeping in the sitting position, at least I slept peacefully, she thought to herself. After spitting the foam and washing her mouth she took a quick shower as she wrapped a towel around her body as she slipped into her undies and then wore a white shirt with a pair of shorts attached to the jumpsuit, crisscrossing the straps of the jumpsuit, she brushed her long black hair which reached past her hips and combed them till there was no tangle, after her hair were combed, she decided to them air dry as she placed her old headband onto her head to keep the strands away from her face. After slipping into her ragged and old converses she skipped downstairs.

She quickly made pancake batter, and fried some bacon, and after making a toast, she dared a look at clock, it was almost the time for everyone to get up, she fastened her pace, and made all the pancakes and dribbled some maple syrup as Mia and Tia liked their pancakes. Those both were absolute witches, Mia and Tia were 3 years old when their mother went into coma, so they have almost no memories with her mother, but Scarlett had, and she loved her mother, for those good memories and giving her love.

Quickly stacking the pancakes and putting everything on the table, she turned to make her own toast, as she turned towards toast machine after taking bread, she felt her hair gripped and pulled, which made her wince in her Scarlett' hand quickly went to her hair to stop the person from pulling her hair out as she looked back, stood Mia in her 'hello kitty' pajama set with a nest hair, her hair were burnt with the amount of heat she provided them and the amount of times she dyed her hair, it robbed the natural nutrients from her hair, not that she had any.

To conclude both the twins had rough and short hair, and that too, in chocolate

To conclude both the twins had rough and short hair, and that too, in chocolate color, far different from the inky black hair, she inherited from her mother. And brown hair they inherited from their father.

"You know, you are not allowed to flaunt your ugly ass hair here, brutta cagna?" she hissed clearly pissed by seeing Scarlett' beautiful hair flowing down her back. She pulled for the last time and threw the fistful of her clutched hair as they swung in the air and effortlessly came back to their place. Shaking her head Scarlett quickly applied blueberry jam on her toast and muttering a bye, she rushed out of the house as she went for her work.

(Ugly bitch.)


The children were weird here, they didn't speak, they just stared and played, but after a week or so working there, the small kids were at least talking with her as she played with them, to say that Scarlett loved kids would be an understatement, even though she had took care of her twin sisters they treated her like trash, but nevertheless, she loved children.

But something was definitely up with this place.

Normally orphanages do not pay that much, as she was getting paid, just to cook and play with the children till 5 pm. the owner of the orphanage had strictly told her to go home after five o'clock. She didn't know why.

She cooked what she had cooked for her family the other day, and as she cut the chicken in precise pieces to serve on the spaghetti, which was drowning in the curry, she served the curry for the kids who can eat on their own, whereas she served on the plate for the twins which were left out.

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