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The night has fallen, wind blowing
The pitter-patter of my heels
As I walk into the dark
Disturbs every city in slumber

Deep deep night...
Deep in slumber...

A bottle in my hand,
I struggled not to fall, bewildered
Not to fall into deep slumber
As I walk with delight in this comforting night
As I struggled not to wake the city in this comforting dim light

I continued, though bewildered
To walk and walk and walk
'Til my feet ached it led me
To a shadow waiting, waiving

He was very careful, as I
Not to disturb the city with his pitter-patter
Nearer and nearer, slowly I saw his eyes
Reflected mine though with this dim light

We both raised our bottles
With a sweet cunning smile
So familiar with each other
The love of my life

Then the world suddenly became even darker and deeper than the night.

Why oh why?
I lost those eyes quickly
I'm losing my mind.

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