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Jennie answers as Lisa Sits on her lap, Her thumb Caressing Lisa's thigh.

Lisa hums in response, "I think she looks Cute and Innocent."

After they went home from the fast Food restaurant, All their topic was all about you.

"Is she?"



You smirk as you hear her moan out in pleasure. She was now riding your face, Slurping all her juices.

You suck her clit, And she moans. You let out a Giggle, The action causing to send Vibrations.

"Y-Y/N, Im C-comming!"

You smile proudly to yourself and you decided to play with her entrance as your thumb rubs her clit in Circular motions.

You hear her squeal, sucking all of her Sweet juices before pulling away.

You watch as Her naked body Lays on the bed, Slightly twitching.

You sighed before grabbing your clothes and putting it on. You faced the mirror and brushed your messy hair with your fingers before facing her again.

She magages to sit up, and Gives you a smile.

"You were amazing."

She praises, and you give her a knowing smirk.

"Rest well, Jisoo-ssi~"


"Do we really have to go?"

Lisa groans in frustration and faces The scowling Jennie.

"Yes, Its a Reunion, Afterall."

Jennie looks at herself In the rear view mirror. She had Heavy make up on, Her Dark hair curled, ad her black dress running up her thighs uncomfortably.

"Who cares? I dont even know your classmates." jennie Hisses before Grabbing her phone.

Lisa stops the car and sighs, "Baby, we'll go home After, I promise."

Jennie silently curses under her breath. She wasnt supposed to come but  Lisa said she needed a plus one.

Instead, Jennie Looks up at the Younger.

"Fine, But Im having a prize later on." She winks and The other girl Snorts.

"Fine. Whatever."

Minutes later, they arrived at the venue and Jennie's eyes lift up from her feet to the ceiling. The huge Chandalier that hangs up from the Ceiling grabbing her attention. Big curtains hangs from the Glass Windows, and some of the ceilings were clear glass, giving each person a beautiful view of The Moon and the small shining stars Up in the sky.

There were allot of Fancy furniture, Each Table stands A small statue of a golden Mermaid, Surrounded with white and Red roses.

A big long table Is On each side of the Place, mostly filled with food and drinks from other countries, And Some food were even exotic.

A Dancefloor At the middle, The marble tiles shining as The colorful lights touch it.

And Jennie Notices, People were wearing Mostly black and Pink dresses.

"Jennie Kim?"

A voice from behind grabs her attention and she turns around to see an unfamiliar face, A girl probably in the age of 19-20.

She had caked on make up, A sly smirk Forms on her lips.


Jennie Carefully asks. The girl chuckles and lifts up her phone, Jennie's eyes widening.

It was a screenshot of her profile in the familiar website.

"Dont you remember me, Daddy?"

Jennie's eyebrows furrowed, And she mentally snorts as She analyzes the woman's face then remembers her. She just had too much makeup.


The girl nods, Leaning herself in, Giving jennie a View of her Breasts. "Im glad You remember me, Daddy."

Jennie Sucks her teeth in disgust as The other licks her lips. Looking away, Jennie sighs.

"Um.. I-i really Have to go."

Jennie doesnt wait for her reply and quickly walked towards Lisa's Table with long strides. She Kept her head low as She sees her talking to some guests.

Lisa taps her shoulder and giggled.

"Baby, You remember The Cute girl Yesterday? Look! Her name is Y/N!"

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