"He can't make you do this! You're a Freedom Fighter," Aang said. Jet straightened up, a look of shock crossing his face.

"Do it! Do it now!" Long Feng yelled. Jet snarled and turned, hurling one of his swords at him. Long Feng dodged it and sent up a pillar at Jet, hitting him dead on. A cloud of dust went up and surrounded him, blocking our view for a second.

"Foolish boy. You've chosen your own demise." He turned and ran down the hall.

"I'm sorry, Aang," Jet said as Aang kneeled next to him. The dust cleared away.

"Don't be," Aang said.

The door slid open behind us. Katara, Toph, and Sokka ran in, along with Jet's teammates.

Katara took out her water and began healing him. "This isn't good," she said, turning to us.

"You guys go find Appa. We'll take care of Jet," the shorter one said.

"We're not going to leave you," Katara said.

"There's no time. Just go. We'll take care of him. He's our leader," the quiet one said, surprising everyone.

"Don't worry Katara, I'll be fine." Jet smiled sadly at her. She stood up, and walked out. I ignored the pain pulsing through my body as I followed Toph and Sokka.

"He's lying," Toph said quietly. I glanced back at the three of them.

The five of us ran to another room. Toph opened it up, revealing nothing inside. "Appa's gone. Long Feng beat us here."

"If we keep moving, maybe we can catch up to him," Sokka said. We ran back to the exit, and up to the surface. The Dai Li followed us out of the hole.

"Do you think we can out run them?" Sokka asked as we ran.

"I don't think it's gonna matter." We stopped, seeing six agents ahead. Long Feng was standing with them. They created a wall, blocking us on that side. The other agents following behind us created another one, the only way out being the water but I figured that wouldn't be so easy.

I felt something warm trickle down my nose. When I dabbed the spot my finger had a small drop of blood on it. I quickly wiped it away, hiding the spot on my sleeve. The pain had passed by now, but I guess I exerted myself too much.

Momo flew down landing on Aang's shoulder. He chattered, excited about something. "What is it Momo?" He jumped up, flying above us towards the sun. I shaded my eyes looking up at them. Seconds later Appa appeared, flying down towards us.

"Appa!" He broke through the walls the Dai Li were standing on. The rest of them fled, leaving Long Feng standing there, alone.

"I can handle you by myself." He kicked up at Appa, who bit his leg and threw him into the lake.

We all ran over to hug him.

After our short reunion, we climbed onto Appa for the first time in days. A terrifying experience when you no longer have a saddle to support you from falling to your death. Appa took us to an island located somewhere in the middle of the water.

"I missed you more than you'll ever know, buddy," Aang said as he hugged him.

"Look, we escaped from the Dai Li, we got Appa back, I'm telling you, we should go to the Earth King now and tell him our plan. We're on a roll," Sokka said.

"One good hour after weeks of trouble isn't much of a roll," Katara said to him.

"We can build on it. If we want to invade the Fire Nation when the eclipse happens, we need the Earth King's support."

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