
On the second ring she had picked up. She put her head in the camera smiling down at me not waiting on me to break the ice.

She was actually bea... pretty

She already knew because if we waited on me she would be waiting all day. "Is that Mariah I hear crying?" She asked looking concerned.

"Yea.. she won't stop I feed her changed her everything." I said rocking her in my arms looking back at the camera.

"Send the location I'm on the way." I didn't even have to ask she was already hipped.

She hung up.

Damn I'm always the one to hang up first on anybody

Not thinking to much about it I sent the location.

I heard a knock on my door. I held a crying Mariah walking to the door. I opened the door seeing her rush in going in the kitchen putting something in the freezer coming back reaching for Mariah.

"What took so long jit damn." I locked the door going back in the living room sitting by them on the couch.

"I had to get something before I came." She pointed towards the freezer. I got up from the coach walking to the freezer peeping in to look at something that looked like a frozen dick.

Tf is this

Mariah had calmed down a lot better. She was still a little fussy. I walked back over to her looking at her before asking what's in the fridge.

"What the fuck is that in my fridge, a frozen dick." I spat waving the dick in her face.

I'll really wave my-

"Nigga what is you talking about, it's a baby teeth ring. She's teething that's why she's been crying so much."

She snatched the dick ring out my hand putting it in Mariah mouth making her stop crying.

Ohhhh god!!! My baby got dick in her mouth!

I looked up from Mariah looking at Shantie apples them hoes was the perfect size not to big and not to little.

She was wearing a wife beater with no bra. She knew what she was doing she was a good ass teaser.

That's what I liked most about her. I calmed down and sat down laying up her turning on lifetime while Mariah was dozing off to sleep.

"So you telling me that you ain't never watched home alone." Ashantie looked at me in shock with her hand over her mouth.

Li extra sexy ass

"Nah." I said dryly.

"Come on you gotta watch it she said bouncing up and down in the bed." She snatched the remote out my hand.

"Aht aht not the time to be making the bed move." I licked my lips smacking her thighs.

"Shut the fuck up nigga." She mushed my head laughing.

She was trying to find the movie on Netflix. She finally found it. We was about to watch it until she got a call from somebody.

I really didn't care if it was a nigga cause she wasn't my girl anyway.

I got up from the bed going to check on a sleeping Mariah. She had her own decorated room in my house.

I moved in my first house when I was 20 I'm 22 now. I've been living here for two years.

I walked in her room looking over her sleeping.

"Daddy's got you stanka butt I love you." I kissed her forehead covering her up with her covers and fixing her bracelet I had bought her when she was born.

I'm surprised her mother haven't sold it yet. I closed the door halfway back before waking downstairs to get me and Ashantie some little bites.

(Whoever decided to put 4 muffins in little bites need to just burn in hell)

I grabbed her a cranberry juice knowing she's gonna want one jugging back up the stairs walking in my room.

I noticed she looked sad, and drained. I put the snacks on the bed going to her side lifting her face up making her look me in my eyes.

When I talk I feel you have to look me in my eyes. It's just simple respect.

"What's wrong, you was just yourself." She she's a tear as I asked her I wiped it away with my thumb.

"I- she-." She couldn't get any words out.

"Slow down." I said holding her hand.

"My grandma... she's suppose to be getting evicted before Sunday." She said breaking down.

"I can't- I can't do nothing about it.. I've been helping with bills the best I could." I looked up in her eyes and she's was truly telling the truth.

"Stop crying." I pulled her in my arms her head was laying on my chest as I rub through her hair.

We're going to figure it out ma

Whats going to happen with grandma? Is she going to get evicted or will there be a change of heart.


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