Bound In Ruins- Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Paris," I whispered as I glanced outside of our hotel suite. It was just before sunset and the views were astonishing.

"Don't get too comfortable. We leave tomorrow to our real destination." Kai stated throwing our luggage on the table top.

"Why couldn't we opt for two separate rooms?" I asked annoyed.

The man had forced this upon me, the least he could've done was ensure that I could have some privacy from him.

"What's the fun in that?" He answered easily.

"Now come on, we're not wasting a second in the city." He stated grabbing me by the arm causing me to squeal.

"You and your surprises Kai, I swear you're going to end up having me kidnapped!" I shouted as we exited the suite.

"Oh hush you Drama Queen," He stated as we made our way down the elevator and through the lobby.

"Where's our car?" I asked as we exited the doors.

I heard Kai laugh as he jingled a set of keys, "No car for us. But we do have this." He answered tapping on a Vespa.

I immediately felt chills down my spine.

The last time I rode the back of a motorcycle was in college.

With him.

Shaking my head, I could tell Kai noticed something was off.

"Something wrong?" He asked confused.

Barely able to muster a word, I felt breathless.

"I don't think I, uh-"

"James, breathe." He stated rubbing his hands down my arms.

"It's just a Vespa. I know how to drive it, well in fact." He reassured.

"No, it has nothing to do with you. I trust you to drive it, I do." I replied.

That caused him to shoot me a concerned expression, "Then what it is?"

I bit my lip and took the helmet from the back and placed it on my head, "It's nothing."

"Let's go, I'm being silly." I told him, sitting on the back part of it.

He didn't pry which I thanked God for. Hopping in front of me, he signaled the bike to turn on and we took off effortlessly.

Gliding through the streets, I forgot what it was like to feel this sense of adrenaline. This felt all too incredibly different though.

I felt lighter.

As if I wasn't holding back any weight, or any sense of worry.

This was an all too different feeling that I hadn't felt then that I feel now.

"Hold on tight," Kai shouted as the light turned green and we sped across the city. I took in my surroundings and squealed at its beauty.

We drove around the city for about fifteen minutes as Kai stopped to buy some things at a local market. Throwing them in the basket of the Vespa, we drove until we found parking right below the Eiffel Tower.

Grabbing the items from the bin, he turned off the bike and ushered for me to follow him.

"You're really trying to kill me, aren't you?" I joked around.

Hearing his laugh, I knew that I had broken through the hard exterior he once put up in front of me.

"Just follow me, you stubborn woman." He stated.

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