Bound In Ruins- Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Good morning Sophia, I trust that you slept well." I heard as I answered the phone call.

"It's Edward, I had retrieved your number from your uncle. I just wanted to speak to you briefly prior to your departure today," he added.

"Sure thing," I agreed rubbing my eyes.

It must have been no later than seven-thirty in the morning.

"I would love for you to attend some of the functions and business meetings from here on out with our son. I know that this is all happening so quickly, but with Kaius quickly taking over soon, we would like for you to get to know our Board members and for you to understand our side of the business." He clarified.

"Of course," I agreed.

This would be a good way to get to know Devereux Corp best.

"Perfect, well I will have my assistant send you the calendar invitations for what I think you should attend. Veronica and I must jet off overseas tonight to take care of some last minute construction contracts so I'm afraid we won't be seeing each other much soon, however you'll be with Kaius throughout the duration, he promised to be on his best behavior," he reassured.

I laughed. He didn't need to warn me, I was fully aware of what their son was like.

"Fair. And if there are some meetings I feel necessary for Kaius to attend to, should I send the meeting invitations back?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. Please send them to Clarissa, she handles his calendar arrangements and will get it all sorted." He agreed.

"Perfect, thank you for your kind hospitality, Edward. I'm just about seeing myself out," I told him sitting upward in bed.

"Of course, Sophia. You're welcome any time, you're practically family now. I have a car waiting for you when you're ready to depart. Have a safe ride back." He stated before hanging up the call.

I got up and got dressed, brushing my teeth and hair in the process.

Once content with my appearance, I gathered my belongings and walked out of the room.

Shutting the door, I looked over to my right and noticed the door shut. This must've been where Kai was staying.

Walking quickly, I didn't want to an opportunity for us to run into each other. Especially after last night.

I knew that the physical attraction was there between us, but it was fueling by the minute. Every moment we spent more with each other, it grew no matter how much we disliked one another.

I couldn't deny that.

"Good morning, Ms. James. Edward and Veronica didn't want you to head off without a proper breakfast. Mr. Devereux is waiting for you in the dining room." A housekeeper stated as she caught me walking in the halls.

"Mr. Devereux?" I asked confused.

Nodding, she urged for me to walk over to the dining room.

Doing so, I was greeted by a cheerful Kai.

"Sleep well?" He asked, nodding his head for me to sit down.

Placing my hands on my hips, I let out a deep breath.

"Wonderfully," I replied.

"Good," He stated.

"Now, sit and eat." He demanded.

He had been standing by the head seat and rather than sitting down beside him, I went over to his chair and sat down.

I heard him chuckle beside me.

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