Bound In Ruins- Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

6 years ago- College

"Home so soon?" I joked as Xander parked his bike outside his house.

He shot me a sad smile, "I'm kidding." I stated.

As much as I appreciated tonight, I had absolutely wanted nothing more after the Play than to come back home.

The lady had really made my head turn and think a mile a minute.

"Stop thinking in that head of yours, silly." Xander stated snapping me back to reality.

"I'll try," I replied.

He walked us into the house and I sighed in relief.

"Surprise!" I heard people shouting our way as Xander turned on the lights.

What the?

"I'm sorry, I was going to shut this down after you know, but Lennox refused." Xander whispered. He looked pained, like he was torn in between being upset for me but wanting to be happy as well.

I smiled as Lennox shot silly string at me.

There were a bunch of people I had met through the roommates and Alexander, and I managed to say hello to everyone and thanking them for coming.

"Birthday girl, cheer up! You look not so cheery," Lennox stated throwing her arms around me.

I smiled as best I could and knew that this was only done to make me happy.

"Thank you, Len." I stated hugging her tight.

"Of course! Now drink up! But don't tell anyone that we're drinking of course, not trying to have you locked up on the night of your birthday," She joked.

Taking the shot she had in her hand, I downed it before turning around to find where Xander had went.

"I'm here, right here," He answered my unspoken attention, entwining my hand in his.

"Just one shot for her tonight, no more." He told Lennox.

"Ugh, such a bore. Let her live a little, it's her birthday!" She urged.

As much as this would have been ideal, I just wasn't in the mood to drink with everyone tonight.

Xander shot me a sad smile before leading us out of the kitchen.

We climbed up the two flights of stairs until we reached his room.

"Get out." He yelled, causing two people to leave his room.

"Sorry, man." I heard a guy say with another following him behind.

We entered his room and he instantly locked the door.

I went to sit on his bed and felt myself defeated.

"Xander! Come down, Reese needs you quick." We overheard someone shouting at us.

Zander tugged on his hair, "Shit."

He looked torn, "Go." I told him.

"I'll be here," I reassured.

Shooting me sad smile, he responded, "I'll be right back."

"I know," I told him.

"Go," I urged.

He left and quietly shut the door behind him.

About fifteen minutes had passed and I felt more suffocated in my thoughts than ever before. Pacing back and forth, I needed fresh air.

I couldn't go down there, I would only lose it.

Walking to the windows, I opened them and stepped outside.

Climbing out and upward, I reached the roof where I let out a deep breath.

Looking below, I saw a crowd of people at the house drinking and mingling.

I never wanted more than to be anyone else in that moment.

Not having to remember the grief that had come over me all over again tonight.

I sighed at the unexpected events tonight.

It was just another slap to the face of the hurt I'd been trying to overcome.

After what felt like an hour, I heard someone climbing up.

Turning around, I saw Xander.

"I'm sorry it took so long. One of the guys had literally an episode with one of the other guys and we had to break it up before any cops came," He clarified.

I nodded.

He didn't need to explain.

I understood.

I noticed him carrying the box that he had given me earlier, still wrapped up.

Walking over to me, he sat beside me and handed me the box.

"I want you to open this now," he asked.

I smiled down at the box, "You sure?"

"Positive," he replied.

Tearing away the wrapping paper, it appeared to be a frame.

Once the paper had been torn completely, I got a better image of it. It was a frame with a picture of the night sky.

Sensing my confusion, Xander turned the frame around and I noticed a certificate on the back.

"Look up," he stated.

Doing so, I asked confused, "What am I staring at?"

He pointed to the sky and squinted so that he found what he was looking for.

"Do you see your stars?" He asked.

I scanned the sky and smiled as I pointe dup to them.

"I think they're there," I guessed.

It all looked the same tonight, so it was difficult.

He chuckled, "They're also right here. And they're yours."

I looked at him as he continued, "Those stars are yours."

Looking down, I began to understand.

"You bought me a star?" I asked shocked.

He laughed, "I didn't get you a star. I got you two stars."

I laughed and felt the tears make their way back to my eyes.

This was by far the most thoughtful gift any one had ever given me.

"Alexander," I breathed out, not believing it.

"Sophia," He mocked.

I smiled, leaning in to kiss him.

"This is the most unique thing I'd ever gotten. I thought the Play was more than enough, but this. I'll have this forever. I'll have my parents forever." I added.

His thumb ran over my bottom lip, "You'll always have your parents. No matter what. Don't you ever forget that. And if you ever feel alone, or if you ever just miss them Soph, look up at the night sky. They will always be with you."

I felt a single fall down my face.

Catching it with his finger, I placed my forehead against his.

"Thank you." Was all I could gather.

There were truly no words I could say that would express my gratitude for the man in front of me.

Pulling me close to him, he kissed the top of my head.

The night had been an absolute rollercoaster, but I was grateful that it had made a turn for the better.

All thanks to Alexander.

Bound In RuinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora