Bound In Ruins- Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After both Edward and Veronica Devereux made their speeches, everyone ate their dinner and mingled once again with one another.

I was speaking to a young philanthropist who was an investor in Devereux Corp when my uncle pulled me aside.

"Sweetheart, there's some people that want to meet you," He stated.

It's go time.

"Excuse me," I told the individual as I walked away with my uncle.

"How are they?" I asked walking beside him.

"Like they've always been, kind but mysterious. You ready?" He asked.

"You know I am," I replied.

He shot me a sad smile, "Let's go then."

Walking to the head table, I was instantly stared at by the two.

"Excuse me," Veronica stated to a person whom was speaking to her.

Walking up to me she instantly extended her hand, "Sophia, is it?"

Nodding, I responded "Sophia James. It's good to meet you."

She beamed in response, "She's beautiful Calum. No wonder you've never showed us any photos of her all these years. I would have gotten her married off years ago."

Laughing awkwardly, he responded, "I thought it was good for both my girl and your boy to remain anonymous. I'm sure you understand the secrecy taken to ensure the privacy for their identities."

"Of course. Although, my son is far more well, outgoing these days that privacy has been difficult to achieve," She stated.

I felt a bit of hidden truth behind her words.

"Speaking of, is he here tonight? I don't think I've seen him." My uncle stated.

Veronica looked around the room briefly before responding, "He's not the biggest fan of these social gatherings but when it comes to Charity, he always turns up at some point."

"Right," I replied.

"So Sophia, tell me about yourself." She urged.

I laughed, "What would you like to know?"

"Why is it tonight of all nights, you've decided to join us?" She asked straight forwardly.

Taking a glass of Champaign from a server, I immediately sipped before responding, "It felt as if it were time. James Industries is stable and I've managed to secure four proposals within one month for production that I felt was good enough to share with someone else." I lied.

Although I had secured the proposals, I didn't care enough to share it with anyone, let alone their son.

"Your ambition and hard work is contagious. Makes me want to go back into the office," She cheered lifting her glass to clink it with mine.

"Don't be silly, you've had your fair time in the office. Enjoy what time you have not worrying about such obligations in working," I told her truthfully.

She seemed as if all she did was more external work whether that was taking care of her home, charity work, or even nothing.

You could instantly tell she hadn't worked in an office in years.

"Well, soon my husband will be joining me as our eldest will be taking over completely." She stated winking at me.

Nodding, I understood her subliminal comment.

Bound In RuinsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz