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"Who was he?" Hyunjin said once they entered his room.

"What?" Jisung asked trying to avoid the topic.

"Come on I could so tell that you knew who that guy was!!" The elder continued to say refuting to minho.

"He was just some guy that I met at the convenience store" the younger replied while laying himself down on hyunjins bed.

"Okay sung, whatever you say." The taller sighed before jumping on top of the smaller boy causing him to scream in pain.

"Tell me who he is and I'll get off of you." The prince like boy said as he let all his weight down on jisung.

"Fine fine FINE!! I'll tell you just please get off of me!!" He yelled and hit hyunjins chest till the older got off of him.

"Now spill." Hyunjin demanded while sitting criss cross on his bed.

"Well his name is lee minho, he's 20 years old and I did meet him at the convenience store" jisung started to say as hyunjin smiles brightly.

"Last night we hung out and maybe sorta kissed" jisung literally flew off the bed when hyunjin screamed at the top of his lungs.

"SUNGIE HAS A BOYFRIEND!!!!" The older jumped up and down on the bed screaming while jisung groaned in pain on the floor.

"He's not my boyfriend jinnie." The dot said once hyunjins screaming stopped.

"Hmm okay." The older replied as he ruffled jisungs hair. The squirrel like boy slapped away hyunjins hand causing him to make a sad face.

"You're such a cutie jinnie and I'm glad you're my friend." Jisung admitted before giving his friend and warm hug. Hyunjin smiles and hugged back then pulled them both down on the bed to cuddle. If you didn't know the two you would think that they were a couple but they're were really just good friends that really cared for each other.

"Are you guys gonna meet up again?" Hyunjin asked while playing with jisungs hair.

"Yeah, tonight actually." The younger replied while playing with hyunjins free hand. The taller male nodded while jisung picked up his phone and checked the time.

"I should probably get going." He said as he sat up from hyunjins embrace.

"Hey sung." The older said.

"Yeah?" Jisung turned around to look at him.

"Make sure you use protection." Hyunjin said before getting a slap on the shoulder by an embarrassed jisung. The older laughed while holding his shoulder thinking that the way jisung reacted was funny.

"Bye jinnie." Jisung said before giving the older a kiss on the head and leaving his house.

Right as he was about to text minho, jisungs phone buzzed.

Your future boyfriend: I miss you baby

Me: baby? Since when am I your baby?

Your future boyfriend: since now baby

Me: wow,, well anyway I miss you too and I can't wait for tonight!

Your future boyfriend: me neither!

Jisung smiles brightly as he put his phone away and continued to walk home. What are you doing to me lee minho?

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