Sophie nodded. "I'll be back—and remember: no walking until I get back,"

"Yes ma'am," Keefe said before Sophie walked out the door and down the hall.

Sophie walked into the kitchen and made Keefe a ham sandwich, made with bread, mayo, mustard, lettuce, tomato, ham, and cheese. She put the sandwich on the plate and then grabbed a bag of Doritos and poured some of them on the plate. She also grabbed a small box of apple juice before walking back to Keefe's room.

"Dinner is served," Sophie told him, placing the plate in front of him and handing him the juice box. "Is it satisfactory?"

Keefe smiled before taking a bite from the sandwich. "Mmmm!" He said after he'd swallowed it. "I am extremely satisfied,"

"Good," She said with a smile. "Does that mean I'm hired at your personal chef?"

She said it as a joke, but honestly, she didn't want to leave Keefe all alone in this house with just his dad.

Keefe grinned. "Sure Foster, but we might have to attach a rope to our windows. Then you can make me ham sandwiches, put them in baskets, and then send them over by rope."

Sophie nodded. "That's a nice idea,"

The rest of the time Keefe ate, it was quiet. Then, when he was done, he asked a question that Sophie had been wondering to herself the past few days.

"When do you think the Vacker's are going to get back?"

Sophie looked down at her hands and shrugged. "I don't know—maybe Sunday like they'd planned before,"

Keefe nodded. "I think it's a little weird though," He said. "Their guest of the highest honor flies back to California and they don't come chasing after her? It's a little...odd,"

"I'm not their guest of the highest honor," She said, deciding to ignore the fact that she agreed with Keefe that it was weird.

Keefe laughed. "Yes you are," He said. "The Vacker's have been waiting for Fitz to have a girlfriend for a long time—they're not just going to let you go,"

Part of that sentence kind of scared her, but she told Keefe, "I'm not even sure I'm Fitz's girlfriend anymore,"

Keefe looked confused. "What do you mean?"

Sophie sighed. "Me and Fitz were together on the beach when I got the feeling something happened to you, and then I just got up and ran away." She told him. "You should've seen his face—he looked absolutely miserable. Now, who knows what's going to happen."

It was quiet for only a beat before Keefe reached out for Sophie's hand and squeezed it tightly. "I don't know what's going to happen Foster—but I know that if Fitz lets you go, he's going to regret it for the rest of his life,"

"Why would he regret it?" She asked, looking up at Keefe.

Keefe smiled. "Because—he'd be letting go of the most wonderful, beautiful, kind and selfless person in the world, and that's a pretty stupid decision."


After Sophie had left Keefe's house, she decided to go on a really important mission before going home. It would probably take forever, but she had to do this.

Sophie looked down the trail first. She looking in the bushes, the grass, and anywhere that would be easy to squeeze through.

But then she walked past the trail and into the taller grass. It kind of scared her, but if she found what she was looking for it would definitely be worth it.

Sophie saw something in the distance and realized it was a cave. She wasn't too fond of the dark, but this was important. So she mustered up the courage before going inside the cave. She took out her phone and turned on the flashlight. When she did, she found what she'd been looking for.

The Dalmatian, Oakley, was backed into the corner of the cave, and she looked awful. She was skinny, dirty and very pathetic. But Sophie knew it was Oakley because of the red collar with her name on it.

Sophie knelt down and smiled at the puppy. "Come here," She said, holding out her hand. "It's okay—I'm not going to hurt you,"

Oakley didn't move a muscle, so Sophie had to go for a different approach.

She stood up and slowly walked toward the puppy, and was glad when Oakley didn't even look afraid. Sophie knelt down and grabbed Oakley and walked out of the cave with her.

Sophie walked back home and quietly brought the puppy to her room. Sophie put her in the bath and turned the water to lukewarm. Then she started to clean her as good as she could and when she was done, she wrapped her in a towel and laid her on her bed. Sure her covers would smell like wet dog, but she could always wash and dry them.

She crawled into bed and cuddled the puppy close to her. "Don't worry," Sophie told Oakley. "Tomorrow I'll take you back to see Keefe and then you'll be back home."

Oakley sneezed in Sophie's face as a response.

Sophie grimaced, wiping her face off. "Fine," She said, turning on her other side. "If you're going to blow snot in my face, I'll turn the other way,"

But as the night wore on, the cute puppy had somehow found a way to cuddle near Sophie's stomach. But Sophie honestly didn't mind—and it actually helped her sleep a little.

But when Sophie woke she next morning, she was ready to give Keefe his dog back. She went to Keefe's house and had a rather lengthy talk about the requirements of Keefe having a dog from his dad.

After that torture, Sophie finally got to bring Keefe his dog, and his face was precious as he hugged the puppy and kissed it and thanked Sophie a million times over.

And all Sophie said was, "Anything for you Keefe," 

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