"Open it."

Pulling off the wrapping, I set it aside and flip over the box. I recognise it straight away. "You've got me a seizure watch?" I ask confused.

"Yeah. The chances are you might have some seizures whilst changing your medication."

I knew that already, but I don't tell him, I simply nod.

"And I would move this investigation if I could but we won't be able to get the location for a long-"

"No. I don't want you doing that. Ever. Not for this, for me. I don't want to interfere with your work."

"But I would. I'd put shit back if it meant I knew you were safe. I don't like the idea of you having them alone. But I also can't do anything to prevent that. So I got this.. With  your permission, I want it linked to my phone. So that if you do have one, I can ring you and make sure you're okay. The moment you don't answer, is the moment I ring 911."

I feel a twist in my gut, with flashbacks of Mia and the watch. Do I really want someone else looking out for me like that? Part of me wants to say yes, another wants to say no. I could see his reasoning behind it, but it also felt like I was losing control over my own body again.

One look at his concerned face confirms my decision. "Okay. But you can't get obsessed with looking at it."

He smiles "I won't and I will be on the phone whenever you need me. I also got you something else.."

"It's not my birthday." I laugh, setting the box aside. "We can set this up when we get back, yeah?"

"Sure thing sweet. Okay next one." Zak says reaching behind the seat.

A large gift bag comes up between us, before he sets it down onto my lap.

"Is it a puppy? It's Gracie isn't it?"

He laughs "Gracie would destroy the bag. Plus she would have sniffed you out by now."

I giggle, remembering this morning.

Over the past week of me moving back home, Zak had moved in bringing Gracie with him. Most mornings, he woke to find me asleep with Gracie. Not down on the floor, next to the bed where she had been at the start of the night. But on the side of the bed with my arm thrown over her.

The mornings he didn't find us like that, was often the mornings both me and Gracie were already out for a stroll. Enjoying the quiet of the morning and the cooler sun. I'd get about 3 phone calls and a few messages asking me where I was. Especially with my narcoleptic moments...

"Just for.. You know." He shrugs.

I open the bag, and peek inside at the black material. Confused, I pick it up and open it out before grinning.

I got one of his shirts.

Before he can say anything, I am sniffing at it like a wild animal until I find the cologne. The same warm fuzzy feeling sets off in my heart.

"There's also a little more in there." He hints as I sit quiet content holding his shirt against me.

"I know. But I got this for when you're away.." I smile at him for his thoughtfulness.

Once I'm content, I fold it back up and set it on the console before going back into the bag and pulling out a note book.

"Oh that bit is last." Zak says taking it.

"Ominous." I comment and grab the box that's inside. Picking it up out, I unwrap it. "Nice job on the wrapping."

"My mom told me to wrap it. She's kinda demanding like that."

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