family day (requested)

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You woke up to Camila shaking your shoulder and when you opened your eyes you saw her smiling at you. "Good morning!" She kissed your cheek and set a cup of coffee down on your nightstand.

You realized then that this is the first time in months that you've woken up with her by your side. She's been on tour, pouring out her heart and soul for the fans for four months, and you've missed her so much.

But not nearly as much as your five-year-old daughter Aubrey did.

You felt her stroke your cheek causing you to snap out of your thoughts. "You okay?" You took her hand and kissed it a few times, watching as a smile tugged at her lips. "I'm great. Just really happy that you're home again." Camila leaned down to give you a kiss but a knock at the door stopped her.

"Come in, sunshine," Camila yelled and your door swung open. Aubrey ran to the bed and climbed on Camila's lap, her small arms wrapping around her neck. "Good morning, my sweet girl."

Aubrey pulled back and stared up at her with a smile on her face. She's missed her mom every day she was gone, some nights met with her tears hitting your shoulder as she cried herself to sleep with her favorite stuffed animal that Camila gave her before she left pressed against her chest.

You'd try reading to her, singing her favorite songs which were mostly all by Camila, but nothing seemed to make those nights better other than you there holding her.

But you always made it through. You both did. And when the days got closer you started a countdown, marking every day off on the calendar which Aubrey was always so happy about.

And now, the sight in front of you was everything you wanted. Aubrey had that toothy smile on her face, her little baby teeth poking through as she and Camila talked about all Aubrey did while she was gone.

"What do you wanna do today, my love?" Camila asked as she poked Aubrey's nose making her giggle, the sound causing your heart to beat a little faster. "Park? Ice cream?"

"Both!" You and Camila laughed before nodding. "Okay. Go downstairs and I'll be there in one minute," she said as she took Aubrey's small hand and kissed it a couple of times before the little girl excitedly got up and ran out of the room.

"Hey," Camila kissed your cheek and ran her thumbs across them. "You stay here for a minute and relax. Take your time and meet us downstairs for breakfast." You nodded and watched her leave the room with a smile on her face as she ran down the stairs to Aubrey.

You took your time sipping on your coffee before leaving the warmth of your cozy bed. You could hear them both laughing as you got closer and closer to the kitchen.

Aubrey was sitting at the table eating some pancakes, her favorite. You walked up behind Camila and wrapped your arms around her. "How are my girls?" You asked as you kissed her cheek and then went to Aubrey and did the same. "Good!" She said excitedly.

"Hey? You wanna go to the park soon?" Aubrey dropped her fork on her plate and raced upstairs making Camila shake her head with a laugh. "I should go get her dressed," you went to stand up but Camila took your hand and had you sit back down. "I'll do it. But before I do I just wanna talk to you."

She knelt on the floor in front of you and kissed your forehead. "Have I told you lately how much I love you? You're an amazing mom." You couldn't stop the smile from tugging at your lips. "You always take such great care of Aubrey. I just want you to know how much I love you both and how thankful I am for you and the sacrifices you make."

You pulled her in for a kiss and watched her walk upstairs to help Aubrey get dressed. You stole a pancake from the plate before rushing up to your room to get dressed too.

You watched Camila chase Aubrey around the playground for a while while you sat back with a grin. You could hear the infectious giggles coming from them both. Your heart felt so full watching them together after being apart for so long.

And after letting Aubrey tire herself out for a little while you headed back home, promising you'd take her out for ice cream later after she took a nap, and thankfully she was too tired to really complain.

"I missed days like this," you said as you looked back at Aubrey to see her sound asleep in her seat. Camila reached for your hand as she drove and brought it to her lips. "So did I. I missed my favorite girls so much."

When you arrived home Camila carefully unbuckled Aubrey and picked her up in her arms. She stirred in her sleep, instinctively wrapping her arms around her neck as she carried her inside. "I'm gonna take her up to bed," Camila whispered to you and took the stairs slowly.

She carefully laid Aubrey on her bed and took her blankets from the foot of the bed. Aubrey's eyes fluttered open, sleepily reaching for her mom's warm and soft hand. "You okay, sweetie? Sleepy?" She tiredly nodded her head and let out a yawn. "Go to sleep then, honey."

Camila pressed a kiss to her head but watched Aubrey shake her head no. "Sing first,"

"Yeah? What song?" Aubrey shrugged her small shoulders, her tiny fingers wrapping around Camila's. "Doesn't matter?" She shook her head once more, her brown eyes wanting so desperately to close. "Okay. Close your eyes for me,"

Camila stroked her cheek softly, her thumb brushing right under Aubrey's eyes making them close. She thought about what to sing to her for a second before she started to sing somewhere over the rainbow and Aubrey, although too tired to open her eyes, smiled a little, her little heart full again as her mom's beautiful voice lulled her to sleep.

When Camila knew she had fallen asleep she kissed her head, her lips lingering for a minute before pulling back. "Love you so much." She whispered and made sure she was tucked in before going downstairs to you.

"She okay?" Camila just smiled and sat down on the couch behind you. "She's out like a light." She muttered and put her arms around you and pulled you to her chest. You know you still haven't told me all your fun stories from tour."

Camila started to twirl your hair around her fingers. "Because I don't wanna yet. I was gone for four months, I just wanna soak in being here with you and Aubrey again. Everything else can wait a bit. I just wanna hold you."

You hummed and put your head back on her shoulder.

"You're so beautiful. I swear you only get more beautiful every day." You rolled your eyes but also blushed a little. "It's true. I've been to so many beautiful places, but none of them can even come close to being as breathtaking as you are."

You giggled at how cheesy she was. "I love you." You said as you tilted your head back and smiled up at her. Her lips brushed yours and you put your hands on her cheeks to deepen the kiss a little.

"You tired, too?" She asked as she rubbed your shoulder. "A little." She nodded. "Then go to sleep. Take a little nap. I'll be right here holding you the whole time." She promised and watched you close your eyes. She couldn't resist trailing her lips across your forehead.

Watching you sleeping in her arms, with your head on her shoulder, made her smile so widely. And knowing the little girl that had her entire heart was also sleeping just upstairs, bound to be coming down with her hair bouncing on her shoulders and a cute little smile that Camila swore was just like yours, made her heart feel fuller than it has in so long.

Sure, she has a lot to be grateful for. But to her, this was what it all came down to. There was nothing she loved more than the little family you've made together.

Camila Cabello Imagines (gxg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon