your parents kick you out when you come out to them (requested)

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You chewed on your lip nervously as you stepped into the kitchen where your parents were.

They both smiled at you when they heard you come in, but you knew in just a minute, with what you planned on telling them, those smiles would be long gone.

"Mom? Dad? Can we talk?" Your dad nodded and pushed his paper away, both of them giving you their full attention. You cleared your throat, your nerves eating away at you, just like your feelings have for years now.

You've hidden it for as long as possible, but you're tired of hiding it. It feels like you're living a lie and you don't wanna feel that way anymore, and especially not around your parents.

So, nervously, you took a few steps closer to them and said the words you've been too terrified to say, until now.

"I like girls..." your parents looked at each other with wide eyes. You watched your dad stand up and as he approached you, you saw the look of pure anger behind his eyes. He grabbed you by your arm, hard.

You looked back at your mom who stared down at her feet, too ashamed to look up at you. You tried to pull your dad's hand off of your arm and tell him that he was hurting you but that didn't stop him. The front door swung open and he pushed you out.

"You're not allowed back here anymore." He said as he slammed the door and locked it behind him.

It took a minute for reality to really sink in, but when it did you burst into tears. Your parents, the ones who always told you that they loved you and cared about you, had just thrown you out because they couldn't accept you for who you truly are.

With tears in your eyes, you reached your hand into your pocket and felt around for your phone, but you remembered then that you had left it on your bed.

You stood up and started to walk to Camila's. You kept looking back, hoping your parents would change their minds and let you back in, but they never did and every step further you took to Camila's was one filled with pain and sorrow.

You knocked on her door and as soon as it was opened you threw yourself into her arms.

Camila was confused and taken aback by you, but regardless, she still wrapped her arm around you and held you close. "Y/n? Hey, what happened?" You cried harder at the question so Camila closed the door and led you to the couch where she sat down and pulled you in her arms.

"M-My parents. They kicked me out." You felt her tense around you, her grip tightening as she felt her blood boil. She hadn't even heard the reason why yet, but she also didn't need to in order to be angry. Because, in her eyes, those are your parents and nothing you'd ever do or say should be a reason to kick you out.

"Why? What happened?" She felt your teardrops falling on her skin as you moved your head from her chest and to her neck. The smell of her perfume that lingered on her skin brought you a slight comfort in the chaos and fear that plagued you.

"Because..." you lifted your head from her shoulder and stared into her eyes. Taking a deep breath, you muttered the exact words you told your parents. But instead of a harsh reaction, you only received comfort.

"So what?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "Y/n, you being gay shouldn't change anything at all. That's no excuse for how your parents reacted and treated you. They're wrong and cruel for treating you this way." She reached down and took your wrist in her hand and when she heard you wince, she got a little angrier.

She saw the bruise on your wrist caused by your dad's tight grip on you and she shook her head at the thought. "You're staying here. With me. I don't mind how long you need to stay for, you can stay for months if you need to." She brushed soothing circles on your wrist with her thumb. "I care about you, y/n, and I love you. You need support right now and that's what I'm gonna give you. I'm here for you, I always will be."

A tear slid down your cheek and all you could do was hug her. She couldn't hold back the smile that was tugging at her lips as she hugged you back, secretly wishing the moment would never end.

"Come on. Let's get you changed," she gave you a small smile and helped you up before leading you down the hall to her room. She had you sit on the bed while she searched through her closet for something comfortable for you to wear.

She eventually decided on one of her sweaters, knowing it would keep you warm. You put it on and fell back against her bed. "I can let you sleep in here if you'd like." You sat up abruptly, ready to argue and tell her that wasn't necessary and you could just take the couch. But she shook her head and put her hand on your cheek, delicately brushing soft circles across it with her thumb.

"Can you sleep in here with me? Just for tonight?"

Secretly though, you hoped that maybe she'd stay in there with you for longer than just a night.

"Of course I can," she smiled and got in beside you. You both fell back against the mattress and Camila put her hand on your side. "If you need me, not just tonight, but whenever, I'm here for you. I care about you more than you'll ever know. I promise I'll always support you and keep you safe."

You closed your eyes and smiled to yourself.

Maybe, one day, Camila would finally be able to confess her feelings for you. But for now, you just need someone there to hold you and support you, to remind you that you're perfect just the way you are and that you're more loved than you realize. And she was more than happy to be there for you.

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