The Newest Member

Start from the beginning

"I just want our baby girl to be happy," Wendy uttered her truest feelings, still leaning against her beloved husband's shoulders. "We had our parents create antibodies for us, but Aki doesn't have that. And she has both of our magic."

"Don't worry, I'll definitely make sure that she's always happy. Her and you too, Wendy. I'll make sure your both happy." That's right, he would make sure that both Aki and Wendy would be wearing smiles forever...That was his job as a father and as a husband. He had to protect the two most precious people in his life, no matter what. Even if it was against a force of nature like the use of dragon slayer magic, he wouldn't let it cause any pain or sadness for his dear family.

Natsu gently rubbed his wife's shoulder and arm. "I'll definitely find a way to make sure Aki doesn't turn into a dragon," Natsu assured her with a soft, soothing voice, which relieved a lot of Wendy's tension, even if not all of it. "I'll make sure of it. Even if I have to burn the dragon seed out of her. I won't let anything bad happen to our baby. I swear."

The next day, Aki was woken up by a certain Exceed, hovering above her. "Cammy? What are you doing here? Your house is that one tree thing, right?"

"My parents and I came over to visit." Cammy informed her. "Our parents are best friends, you know?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Aki threw off her sheets and got out of bed. She quickly got dressed, not really caring about Cammy's presence.

"Plus, I heard that you finally learned the Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

Aki lowered her head at that and made a bitter smile. "Yeah, about that...I kind of told a little lie."

Cammy cocked his eyebrow in confusion. "You did?"

"Yeah." Aki continued talking to Cammy as she put on the rest of her clothes. "It's true that I was able to use Fire Dragon Iron First, but..."

"But what?" Cammy pressed Aki to continue, curious for more of the story.

"I didn't actually learn how to use it," Aki admitted with shame. It was still as tiny and weak as ever. I just used my Sky Dragon Slayer magic to increase the flames.

Cammy's shoulders dropped down as he frowned a little. "Oh, I see."

Aki picked up her scarf from his bed and stared at it for a while. "Hey, Cammy?"

"Yeah, Aki?"

"Do you think Daddy would be disappointed in me if I told him the truth?"

"I don't know..."

"Right, I thought you'd say that..." And with that, Aki put on her scarf and walked out the room.

"Where are you taking me?" Aki asked as her hands waved around in the air, trying to feel for some sort of surface.

Wendy walked behind her, carefully guiding her movements. "You'll see really soon," she said with a smile.

"How soon?"

"Oh, just a couple of seconds," Natsu answered, his hands behind his head. "We're almost there."

"Really?! Yay!" Aki ran forward and bumped her head against a large door. She rubbed the small bruise on her forehead. "Ow~"

"Don't be in such a rush, silly," Natsu said as he took off Aki's blindfold. "Here's your last birthday present."

Aki's eyes widened in joy as she realized where she was standing. In front of her stood the door to none other than the Fairy Tail guild. Her eyes sparkled as a bright smile formed on her features. "No way..."

Natsu and Wendy just nodded. "Welcome to Fairy Tail, Aki."

"So, I can finally be a wizard now?!" Aki hurriedly jumped to her feet and stared at the entrance to the guild in awe once more.

"You bet'cha!" Natsu gave the young dragon slayer a thumbs up. "You're old enough now after all. And besides, you've earned it."

"That's right," Wendy nodded in agreement. "So, do your best, Aki."

"Alright!" Aki ran into the guild hall, full of exhilaration. "Hello everyone, I'm here to join the guild! My name is Aki Dragneel, the future number one Wizard Saint!"

No one payed Aki any mind, much to her apparent disappointment. She slumped her shoulders down and stared at the floor. "Aw..."

Cammy flew next to Aki. "Hey, cheer up, buddy! I heard you!"

"I know you heard me, Cammy. But you already know who I am. I wanted everyone in the guild to know too." Aki looked around the guild hall watching as most of the members were occupied with drinking alcohol or roughing each other up.

"Ah, I see a party has already gotten started," Natsu noted, rolling up his sleeves with a gleeful smile on his face. "Sweet." And with that he ran over to where the fight was taking place.

"Daddy..." Sweat dropped from the back of Aki's head due to her father already embarrassing her.

Then, Laxus walked up to Aki, a stern look on his face. "Hey, you Natsu's and Wendy's kid?"

Aki nodded and stood at attention, "Yes sir, that's me!" She politely bowed to Laxus. "Nice to meet you, Mister."

"Relax, kiddo. No need to be so formal around me. We're all family here." Laxus smiled warmly at Aki."

"Wow, you're really nice, Mister," Aki said, impressed at the kindness that the serious looking man before her was displaying.

"That's Laxus, the master of the guild," Wendy informed her daughter.

Aki looked up at Laxus in amazement. "Oh, so you're the master, Mister?"

Laxus nodded in response. "That's right."

"Wow, that's so cool!"

"Quiet an excitable little one you got there, eh Wendy?"

"Yep, that's my baby girl," Wendy said, clearly proud of that fact.

"Though, I have to admit it is kind of weird to see you with a child. I mean, she's already almost the same height as you."

"Auu~ Why'd you have to bring that up?" Wendy lowered her head in shame.

Laxus waved his hands around frantically. "Hey, I was just messing around! Come on, cheer up, Wendy!"

"So, Master Laxus? When can I get my guild emblem?"

"Oh, right. Where you would you like it?"

Aki didn't even need to think about it. There was only one possible place where it could go. She pointed to her right shoulder with a grin. "Right here."

Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. To my fellow NaWen fans, don't forget that NaWen week will be happening from May 24th to May 30th! Also, join the NaWen subreddit if you'd like for more NaWen fun! It is a safe haven for all of us, so if you ever feel like you need one to share your love for this ship, you are more than welcomed there.

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