Kibutsuji Muzan and Kokushibo

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Requested by @RGraceBeltran

A/n: You guys !!!!! So one of my friend, Ambii-vertic just made en edit out of one of my one-shot story, Shinobu Kocho, edit !! He/she really talented and I can't get enough of it. You can see on her instagram page @ambii.vertic_ and check out the edit ! Leave some love and enjoy reading 😘


One night, the moon flashed a beautiful moonlight that caught your attention. It huge round in the sky illuminating across Japan, you had always love the view, especially how the stars scattering across the dark sky. You closed you eyes, imagining you were watching this with your son.

"Kokushibo-san, are you doing what I taught you ?"

Your (e/c) eyes opened as it reflected by the light before they fell to a certain long, red-haired male sitting at the edge of the building while watching the sky. His hair blew ever so gently with the night breeze, his sword was placed next to him. You smiled at the sight.

"It is okay to feel that way, Kokushibo-san." You intertwined your fingers together as you closed your eyes again, the living things around you began to whisper to you. The flower blooming through the gap of the rooftop, sharing how grateful to be alive even though it was alone.

You closed to Kokushibo though you were aware of his existence that being feared by many. His long swords covered with every innocent people that had lived. You can hear the cries of the death coming from the swords. It pains you to hear their screams.

The first time you ever meet Kokushibo, was when you were lured by the cries of help and agony of thousands of people. You could not sleep almost every night because of him being close to you. One night, you decided to find the voices and it leads you to Kokushibo. You were afraid at first, thinking he was a demon and the murderer of thousands of innocents, but now that you had face him properly, a tear that slipped from your eyes tell you that he was not really a murderer.

You can pry deep into people's feelings, and you are responsible for it. You were gifted with power of life and death. You were the escort of death, you were the person that decides someone's pure and evil heart.

Your late husband and son were also the victim of all demons. You had no time to grieve. The world needs you, but you always remember them every day. They were the only two people that accepted you for who you are. You were no God or an Angel. You were a human being with a capability of both to balance the good and evil in this world. Somehow, you husband and son see that in you.

You were not immortal. You aged and you could die, like other human beings. Demon can also eat you if they want. You were not afraid of dying, heck, you knew your lifeline. You knew when you were getting sick, you knew when you were going to die. You will know the opportunity to live you life to the fullest, but not other humans.

"(Y/n)." You heard Kokushibo's deep voice calling for you. You hummed as you held your hands on your back, your pigtails fell slightly off your shoulder as you tilted your head with a smile.

"Come here." Your eyes moved to his hand placing next to him, telling you that you could take that seat. You chuckled softly before you shook your head.

You hummed as a decline, "It's your little brother's place, right ?" you smiled at them, Kokushibo, or should you say Michikatsu, and Yoriichi sitting side by side while watching the view of the moonlight. You watched how small Yoriichi's body compared demon Michikatsu. You could feel, deeply in Michikatsu's heart, he missed his brother dearly.

You took out a wooden flute and looked down at it. You never knew what was it, the wooden flute broken into two. Now you knew when you saw Yoriichi holding it in his hand. As Yoriichi turned to look at you, it was an innocent pair of eyes and smile, and he looked really grateful as a child.

"Michikatsu." You wrapped your arms around his shoulder from the back, hugging him who was washed with sadness. You caressed his arm as reassurance, laying your cheek on the back of his head.

"You are a good man, Kokushibo-san. You need to finish what you started, that's the only way." You whispered close to his ear before you pulled away, pulling one of his hand at the process. You clamped your hands together, giving him a reassurance eyes before you let go.

You stood up and began to leave the place, not until he called you again.

"(Y/n)." his voice heard and you stopped, looking over at him with a questionable eyes.

"Be with me ?" He asked, out of a blue, out of his characteristic. However, you saw this coming from afar. He was looking at you, anticipating your answer although it was subtle. He watched your small body standing there, so petite and fragile, that could fit into his arm easily.

You tucked your hair behind your ear as you smile, before you looked up to him. You only glanced at him for a few moment before you turned your heels and walked out of there.

Kokushibo watched as you walked down the stairs, until your very strand of your hair out of his sight. He let out a sigh before facing the moon again.

You walked alone at night that still so bright under the same moonlight. Your very presence lightened the surroundings, the flowers and trees starting to bloom. Fireflies came out of their hiding, moving around you. The nature was lending you some sort of protection from any possible danger. They only appeared beautiful at night with your presence, and only your presence, and they will also try to protect people you love. 

You stopped walking on top of the bridge, facing the river, fishes moving here and there while illuminated by the fireflies. You rested your forearms on the railings, enjoying how the nature take forms around you.

You pulled yourself from the railings as you sensed a presence walking towards you. You faced him properly as he stopped in front of you. You tilted your head playfully as you noticed his same stoic look.

"You know, it's not the end of the day if you smile a little." you joked, but his face remain straight. You heaved out a content sigh, watching him walking closer to you. The fireflies flying about around the both of you, reacting to your feelings.

Your eyes widened when a flower popped into your eyesight. A cute yellow flower was blooming so healthy in front of you, lent by the one and only predator of this world. The originator of monsterkind, Kibutsuji Muzan.

You took the flower from, a firefly flying about the flower as our fingers touches, and you pulled to smell the flower.

You smiled meaningfully as you heard the flowers whispered to you.

'I love you ! I love you !' 

"I was just walking around, and picked it up because it's beautiful, and I bumped to you here.. I was just tired holding it all night." Muzan explained to you, which you just laugh.

"Don't you think you're plucking the flower to death ?" You teased him, leaning to the railings while watching the beautiful flower dancing and leaning to your fingers when you brought them close.

"Not much care.." he said, watching you.

He never knew, a mortal person like you existed in this world. Everyone loves you, even the nature that seems to love and cherish your presence, and you told him that they just wanted to protect you. He never believes that, seeing how the flower he just gave her twirling happily in your hand.

He knew the nature was alive because of you. He never thought he would ever witness such magical things, but he knew now you made things magical.

You were the magic itself.

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