Kibutsuji Muzan (18+)

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Requested by @NaomiUzumakixAnimes

This story is not based on the old timescapes, but Muzan is still a demon, a lowkey demon.


"Arghhh !!" You screamed in pain as you were tied on four to a metal platform. You were eyed by many scums around you that always do experiments on you. It has been quite a year since you have been captived as an experimental material.

You were a mermaid, live to rule the pacific and known by any forms of marine creatures, respected by the entire sea. You were unfortunate for fallen into their traps, but you were glad your sister were safe.

Your eyes were dead when they threw you back into a small container of water that you have nowhere to go. These routines tire you so much the only thing you could do was sleeping right away when they sent you back to the water. Being in water, you were free from any pain of being someone you not, a human being. While being a human, the inside of you will claws from the inside and gave you the urge to jump into water. It extremely hurt and the water was the only remedy you had during the captivity, although you still did not seem to have privacy through the translucent mirror.

Your aqua eyes dimmed since you have not bern active as a mermaid, and you depressed you were on your current state.

Not long after, they came back for you to do another experiments on you. You always tried to run away when they tried to bring you out, although you know you had nowhere to run. The process of transformation from mermaid to human was the most painful part of all. It took the scream you wanted to let out, you never not crying at it, feeling youself as if being torned apart. The process always being watched by the scums and how they fascinated over you painful transformation.

You screamed again when they did another yet electrifying pain on you. You never knew what they tried to get from you, injecting a lot of strange liquids into you and electrifying you like a maniac. For the last time, you prayed in your heart that someone would come to help you.

Upon praying in your heart, you screamed again when they decided to inject another liquid into you with a huge syringe into your skin, and you left crying for the pulsing pain of the liquid coursing through your body. You mustered all your strength you had to look straight at the male scientist through the translucent glass and glare at him. You knew, every instructions come from him, so you despised him the most.

Suddenly, the lights of the lab turned dimmed, and gone altogether. All the scientists looked around, petrified. The electric went off, and the experiment was still ongoing. The male scientist ordered for them to check what was going on, and he shuts his mouth when he saw you were free from the chains being tied onto the metal platform. You fell onto the floor, still not believing what happened.

The man went closer to the translucent glass, watching you closely afraid of you doing stupid things like running away.

They caught you not knowing you were the alpha of the pod.

He quickly covered his ears when he heard a screech, and the glasses around you immediately shattered due to the sound you just made. The water that surrounded you pooling around your feet as you slowly stood up. The man watched you with horror in his eyes, the machines and computer around him had jammed at your high frequency.

Your eyes opened in fatigue, but looking straight in the man's eyes with a bright aqua eyes that glows in the dark. You open your palms, the water that pooling on the floor began to swirl up. They began to create circular motions around your palms and formed a twin blades made out of water.

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