Agatsuma Zenitsu

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Requested by @Pattypatter11

I kinda like changed the plot a bit, but I hope you like this version ! Thank you for requesting :).


You are a very serious but timid woman. You were the same batch with the infamous Kamado siblings and his friends, but you were very low-profile. You never include yourself with the Pillars and go own with your own demon hunting when a mission given. You never need anyone to help you because you did not want to burden others. Your intelligent is really high that you can come out with an immediate plan in a critical situation. You perform lightning breath and became a disciple of the same master, Kuwojima Jigoro, that Agatsuma Zenitsu had, but he never knew you.

Yet you knew him, although not entirely.

You graduated earlier before your master found Zenitsu. You were training together with Kaigaku and he hates you with guts. He hated that you can learn the lightning breaths easily. He was very distant with you that the master felt restless. So you left them.

Your care to your master is like a daughter to a father, so you never really leave him. You would peek him from afar and make sure he eat well. From there, you know Zenitsu. He was hopeless. He cried alot and cannot even perform most of the breaths. You did not know why your master choosed him for the next successor.

Not until master decided to perform seppuku when Kaigaku became a demon. You realized your master had seen Kaigaku's true color from miles away. You only left for a mission for awhile before coming back to see your father figure lying in a pool of blood. You cried silently then, not knowing what to do.

You buried him properly in his Estate and prayed for a smooth journey to the place you will never get to find him again.

Couple of years went by, you still could not get over your master. He kept coming into your mind with his pure smile, a smile you saw everytime you came back home from training outside the Estate. Smile that you always saw when he thought you did not look at him. A smile of a father you loved.

You were standing on a rooftop as the sun setting when you noticed a figure walking out of the headquarter. A long, yellow haired male, a Lightning Pillar that adores by many. You jumped from the rooftop and follows him.

Zenitsu was grieving his master that had died to retain honor for a scumbag. He still could not get over it. He could only think that his master bleed to death and suffer throughout the process. When he went back to the Estate, his body was gone. Only his blood remains.

He did not know who did it, but his wild guess went to demon. He despised demon even more knowing they could have eaten his master.

He leaned to a tree, his face was sullen and dark, everyone could tell that he needed some times alone.

He heard steps coming towards him, a gentle step that he could never hear if he had not have the hearing specialty. He looked up and saw a very gentle-looking female, a beautiful strawberry-blonde haired you have in a low ponytail that you rested on your right shoulder. You only wear a kimono on you and you did not bring your sword with you. A scarf seen wrapped around your shoulder.

You chuckled when you saw how he had been staring at you.

He straightened his body, his eyes went around looking at the sky that eventually became dark. He smiled through his sorrow.

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