how to torture someone with a ball point pen

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Interviewer: So, there's this fan that asked, specifically for Jennie. *chuckles* This fans wants to know how many ways do you know to torture or kill someone with a ballpoint pen?

Jennie: Glad you asked. *smirks* I know 97 and counting. Want to hear them?

Interviewer: *chuckles* Sure, why not. I may have a few enemies I would like to take care off. I'm kidding...or am I?

Jennie: *chuckles darkly* Okay, then. Listen carefully.
1. Stab them.
2. Use the pointed side to slit their throats/wrists.
3. Use a nerf gun and shoot it at their head/chest.
4. Make them drink the ink.
5. Write something offensive on their shirt and wait for people to kill them for the offensive comment.
6. Get a whole bunch of pens and literally drown that person with pens until the cant breathe
7. Put the ink in their blood and wait for them to get blood poisoning/infected.
8. Use the pens as ecrisma sticks and break all their bones and leave them to bleed out.
9. Push a pen up their nose so far it damages the brain.
10. Exploding pens through their ear and make it explode in their head.
11. Use a pen to gut their insides.
12. Make them swallow the pen and let it block the air way and they die for to lack of oxygen.
13. Use a pen to lock them in place and don't let them escape from that area where you kinda staple them, and let them starve or dehydrate to death.
14. Keep pushing pens up their asshole (lowkey/very highkey rape) and as more pens goes in, it destroys their insides. (Kinds like the bamboo torture thing).
15. Use the non sharp side and bash two pens on their temples to shatter the skull.
16. Make the person go into this cupboard like thing where every surface is covered in sharp pens so which ever side they lean, they would get stabbed by pens.
17. Stab them in the eye with a pen and leave them on a cliff/desert/whatever.
18. Make a box out of pens, trap the person inside, and push it off a boat so they sink to the bottom and drown.
19. Crush the pen into tiny pieces and mix it with their food so when they eat it, the sharp pieces with cut their insides.
20. Sharpen the edges and throw them at the person.
21. Pour the ink on the floor and wait for them to slip and break their head.
22. Fill their house with pens until they get so sick of seeing the same design of pens and ultimately commit suicide/develop a mental illness.
23. Make acidic ink and if they're left handed, it will smudge when they write do it will burn through the skin.
24. Make them swallow a pen that is infused with very magnetic substance. When near magnetic object, the body will be pulled towards the object, causing a great impact. Or, they will get sandwiched between two magnetic objects.
25. put a pen on their neck and choke them
26. pour (flammable) ink on someone and burn them up
27. continuously write on their skin until it scratches the skin. it would be irritable and painful
28. Get some mind controlling nanobots that attaches when it comes in touch with someone. place the nanobots on a pen and let it do the rest. now we have control of the body. we do what we want. done.
29. Put the-

Interviewer: *recovers from shock* Hold up! I was just joking!

Jennie: *blank face* Well I wasn't.

Originally from my book "SPIDEY" on my other account, Meowzilla0w0 . Go check it out if you're a fan of Spider-man!

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