Chpt. 5 The Reaping pt. 2

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Freaked out, I scramble off my bike which obviously resulted in me face planting the ground. Ugh. Frantically I get up, but not before realising that I'm about 15 metres away from my bike, directly under the Frazers' letterbox. I couldn't have fallen that far in that time could I? I glare at the letterbox, and see how the number 34 gleams and twinkles as if it's satisfied, as if it knows something I don't.

I couldn't take this, and at that I ditched my bike and ran down the street to the corner shop, not even bothering to talk to Mrs Frazer. I'll have to apologise later. When I arrived at the shop I kneeled down outside to catch my breath. It was probably only like 300m but you know, I can't run for my life. I'm more balance and flexibility and short bursts of speed etc than endurance.

When my breathing and heart rate was more or less normal, I stood up and started to walk inside, but stopped short when I saw what was in the display windows. There many different sized tvs, radios and other antiques, and they were all tuned in to the reporter that Ella was watching earlier.

"-and especially now with only 90 seconds left until the draw. We have hundreds, no, thousands of girls and boys aged 16-19 waiting anxiously, hoping it's them. And it may very well be. The time is here for me to hand it over to the very sight of the draw. Let's go live to the Welthroe Hall!"

I kept watching as the screen switched to a scene that featured a stage. It stood before a massive crowd, yet still managed to look grande. There was a speaker stadium with a lectern and microphone, and next to it was the raffle ticket spinner. It was gigantic, almost cartoonish. It's height and width was about two times the length of me, and its length was double that. But this was not what caught my attention. Sitting on the stage were three people, each who had a self satisfactory aura around them, posture that made rulers jealous and looks that would have almost anyone at their feet.

The first two looked eerily similar. One appeared to be one of those women who look like they are in their 20's, but are really in their mid-40's. The next looked about my age. They both sported the same fancy up-do with their bleached blonde hair, and wore horrendously over the top red dresses with navy blazers and jewellery. They sat legs crossed and the poker face that was on one, appeared on the other. The Head royal family. Not the people I'd necessarily go on play-dates with and it shouldn't really concern me. But strangely it does. They seem...familiar. I mean, I know that I recognise them as the Head female Royale and her daughter, but I swear it's more personal than that.
Buts that's stupid.

I don't dwell on them long, and my eyes skip to the person next in line. .....

I think my tastebuds were on fire because daaaammnnnnnn this guy is one hot tamale. He had tan skin, defined by thick muscles cording around his arms and chest, and probably plenty other areas too. I blushed at how dirty that sounds, but continued my train of thought. He wore a grey V-neck shirt under a navy and red trimmed blazer, black semi-skinny jeans and red vans. He had strong, reformed features such as his jawline and cheekbones, but it was his eyes that held my attention. Even from about 20m away where the camera was positioned, I could see that his eyes were like something I've never seen before...but I couldn't put my finger on it. When he looked at at the camera, it was he was actually looking at me. I tear my own eyes away, and look further up. He has strange coloured hair, it's like you think it's one colour, then you look again and you think it's a different colour. At the moment I think it's dark brown....wait...yeah it's dark brown, like dark chocolate. It looks so soft and messy that I almost want to reach out and caress it.

I jolt out of my fantasy. Eugh. I've never paid attention to...the other gender...before, and that ain't gonna happen now, hon.
Despite my pep-talk, my eyes found themselves wandering back. His posture was practically the opposite of the other two. He held his arms up behind his head and one leg was propped up over the other. How prince-like of him.

I tuned into the voice over that came in. "Seated on this very stage is the one and only, Her Majesty, Head Royal, Miss Valquira Thorolds, and the first in lines for the thrones, Miss Royal's daughter, Miss Samilia Thorolds and Mr ....uhm Rivers." At that I glanced at the guy, and he just produced a smirk, showing off his pearly whites. Holy crap on a cracker. I swear this guy, let's call him..Dr. pepper! I laughed at myself. I don't even know how I come up with these things. You know...cause he's hot like pepper and ... Okay.

I sigh, mentally slapping myself for zoning out and missing some of the information. "-these two are the closest in line for the throne by blood, but those who attend the year at the academy will come to be familiar with the term, Graduation Day, or for some, Coronation Day. Throughout the year, the students must learn to enhance what strengths they are born with, and are faced with several...realistic overcome in order to get the most out of this experience. Whether that is being dubbed a Royale on Coronation Day, or just being able to graduate, it's up to you."

I notice an elegant sound course through the air and Miss Royale gracefully rising from her seat. She began making her way towards the ticket roller.

"-and so..AYE ITS TIME FOR WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. THE TIME IS NIGH. WE ARE ABOUT TO FIND OUT-" and the over-excited voice of the reporter droned on and on. But I couldn't bring myself to listen to it.

I don't understand what happened, but it was like a breeze of wind, and then everything brightened, almost as if glowing. And suddenly all anticipation rushed out of me, filled instead with dread. I mean before I wasn't all cosy with the idea but now all I feel is pure sympathy and fear for the raffle 'winner'. I feel like it's the hunger games reaping coming to a reality. Like whoever's name that is called, is being reaped towards an already sealed fate. My eyesight started to become tinted a burning mix of purple orange and white.

Miss Royale held the handle and spun the raffle roller, then stopped it when she felt fit. Her elegant hand reached inside, and swirled around in the mass of tickets, then froze. Her fingers unfolded the ticket.

The name encrypted on the piece of paper was spoken, but I didn't process it.

Time seemed to freeze, stuck in that moment, replaying infinitely. My whole being was warped in raging currents of purple and orange. The clocks on display flickered, the hands quavering then fast forwarding, backtracking, just going wild.

Over and over the name was drilled into my mind. Vaguely I remember hearing Ella's voice squeal in ecstasy in my mind. 'Of course,' I thought to myself,'how did I not think she would enter for me?' But I hardly had time to process this. I didn't even take in the name of the male who was the 'winner'. Some Rider dude?
Only one thought stay constant. An Echo of two words. The name that was called out.

Lukeylia Luchador

The roar of blinding colour was becoming too much for me to handle. But I remember two last things.

One, I kneeled over again, but this time being from utter loss of control over my mind. I landed crouched on my knees, facing the display wall of the shop with a sheen of sweat covering me. I took a last glance at the TVs, only to see that it was as though Dr. pepper was staring at me. He was looking at me through the screens somehow. He stood up, looking directly at me and mouthed,'Hello Chica, what a pleasure to meet you.'
'Sue me for being delusional, but how in heck are you stealing my thoughts?' I think.
I heard a deep chuckle. 'I'll see you soon.'

The second thing was as I collapsed on the ground, oblivious to the group of people gathering around me, I remembered my original mission and growled.

I never got my coffee.

Oh hell no. Schnitzel's about to get real.

I might have heard a deep laugh, but that's all I had time to think before a deep black darkness overcame my consciousness.


A/N Heyyyyy guiiyssssss!
I really hope you like this chapter! I loved writing it and I have so many ideas coming up. What do you think of this 'Dr. pepper'? And the glowing colours? There are definitely some un-explained events in this chapter but all will make sense later on. I'll try to update tomorrow morning too! Byeeeeeeeee

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