Chpt. 12 The Arrival

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It's a strange thing, when you are supposedly unconscious, and yet you can sense what is happening around you.  Strange, but very handy when you are in my situation.

I can tell that I'm in a large, luxurious vehicle, with around 15 Palace guards. I can tell that we have been travelling for 92 minutes, in a North-Westerly direction. I can tell that it is now 9:34am. I can tell that I'm in deep trouble.

Over this trip, I have gradually become more aware of my surroundings. It started when every now and then I would feel the vehicle jolt on the road. But now, I've regained my sense of hearing.

Apparently, the Guards' preferred from of communication is via hushed whispers, despite being in a soundproof, moving vehicle. So, since I was "unconscious" on the ground, it was fairly difficult to pick up anything. But, the things I did manage to catch were just as strange as they were unsettling.

"Are you sure she's the one?"

"Of course. Didn't you see her eyes?"

"Besides, the prophecy has never failed before."

"Well we better pray that this pretty face is the one Her Majesty wants, or we'll all be getting a Royal beating."

There was a rumble of laughter, but it sounded restrained and sad. Which made me think.
'Her eyes...the prophecy...the one Her Majesty wants,' what could this mean?

I'm not particularly helpless in the intelligence department; I know that they are talking about me. I just can't figure out why 'Her Majesty' would be searching for me in the first place. If I am to assume that by saying 'Her Majesty' they were referring to Head Royale, Miss Valquira Thorolds, I don't understand why whatever I am needed for couldn't wait until I arrived at the Academy on my own terms, or what remote relevance my eyes or a prophecy could have with this situation.

However, my train of thought was lost when a deep, familiar voice startled me out of my reverie.


I gave out a little squeak. My mistake. The guards in the room ceased from discussion and the vehicle went deadly silent. I held my breath until one of the guards waved away their suspicion, suggesting that it, "must've been the wind".

I silently let out a sigh of relief, focused my attention back to the voice. If it didn't come from one of the guards, then it must have been...

'Voice dude?' I ask.

'You called, Chica?' Again, is it possible to sense a smirk?

Hold up...'Chica'...where have I heard that before?

'Wait a second, who are you?' I ask, feeling stupid for not finding out before. I guess I never came to terms with the idea that the person I was talking to in my mind, was indeed an actual person.

'Don't you worry, Belleza, you'll find out very soon.'

And at that very second, I felt the vehicle role to a stop. We had reached our destination.


A/N: OoooOooOOoOOhhh, they have arrived at their destination.
And where is that, exactly? Let's find out...

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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