Chpt. 3 Damn Furniture

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I groan loudly at the sound of my alarm clock. The damn thing...I swear I turned it off yesterday. I squint my eyes to glimpse at the time, which results in me jumping up and a shriek escapes my cracked lips. 7:30am?!!?!

"ELLAA!" I scream. Who does she think she is, changing my alarm to this monstrosity of a time? It's basically the middle of the night. I never get up before 10:30am unless it's work or school...and it's the holidays PLUS it's Sunday! I huffed at my little sister's cruelty. She does such weird and random things sometimes.

...I lay against the head board of the love of my life, my quaint king-single bed, with half a tonne of torn blankets and fluffy comforters mounted on it and twirled around my body. It is literally my life, like I spend about 80% of my existence tangled in this. 

I thought about my dream last night. It was in third person view, so I was watching whatever happened from the air around them, or something. I don't know, dreams are weird. So, I was watching myself and this alien kind of fluffy, glowing thing pretty much intertwine and become one big, fat, glowing, multicolour creation. And as if that wasn't wacko enough, I was somehow buddies with Doctor Who and we time travelled back and forwards in time. *sigh* I wish. But seriously speaking, you know how people say that dreams symbolise something going on in your life and is sometimes your subconscious trying to send messages to you? Well what the frickle frackle was that dream supposed to mean?!

Utterly confused, I attempt to snuggle up again in my heavenly bed. But as I reach to pull up my comforter, my hand loses its grip and ends up unable to stop the momentum, thus resulting in me graciously punching myself in the face. Ouch. Ugh. Jndwindwkdhwifwdksd.

Clearly the world is against me going back to sleep so I reach around for my phone so that I can shove my mind into tumblr for a while to pass the time. Unfortunately, my clumsiness streak continues, since in my desperation to play with my techno friend I reach out too far and fall out of my bed. "Oh come on," I grumble at the universe. I stand corrected from before because apparently the world is actually against me from even staying in bed. UGH.

I look back at the alarm clock to double check I wasn't hallucinating, and read 7:37am. "Aww, fudgenuts!" I whined. I just took nearly 10 minutes of my life moping. Let me tell you something, I absolutely hate feeling useless, so having a pity party for myself was not exactly on my to-do list. It's not as though I have something important to do today, but I'm not going to let a day of my life waste away. Besides, I could use some coffee.

With that motivation in mind, I managed to haul myself into the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for the day, of course not without stubbing my toe on my bedside table and hitting my elbow on the door handle. "Damn furniture!" I cursed. First my beloved comforter, now these. Hopefully a shower will ease my wounded heart.

I turned the hot water faucet on, then left it so that the temperature caught up. Meanwhile I quickly undressed and put my hair in a messy bun, then hopped in the shower. A soft sigh escaped me as the scalding water washed away all the sweat and grime that gathered overnight and yesterday. 'If only it washed away the emotional problems I have with my furniture,' I think wryly. After I lathered up in a cheap, but delicious smelling, vanilla body wash, I just rinsed off and curled up in my towel that was warm from the heater.

When I was dry, I made sure to wrap myself up in my towel tightly and head to my closet. What? There could be some random perv waiting for me by my window or something. Anyway, since nothing was planned for the day except aimless shopping, I ended up choosing an oversized Doctor Who hoodie that fell off one shoulder and some dark skinny jeans, then I paired these with some second hand converse.

I never bother with makeup. A, because I find it unnecessary when my social life is non-existent, and B, because I happen to have no idea how the stuff works. So I just applied a light coat of paw-paw lip ointment that I found in my duffle bag (that stuff is my life),then left my hair in the bun. I seemed to have a fair amount of pent up nervousness for some reason today, so all of this helped to get rid of some of that, though I was still restless. I put on my favourite ring that is identical to Beth's ring except for the colour. I might even invite her and George over to help calm my unnecessary nerves. I have this habit where whenever I'm nervous I fiddle, and twisting my ring comes naturally. My mum accuses me of being ADHD, and I probably am, but we haven't gotten it checked. In fact, come to think of it, I've never been to a proper doctor. My mum just says I'm ridiculously healthy. It comes in handy though, seeing as neither of us like any place to do with helping peoples' health. No matter how successful those places are, there will always be failures too, and even some fatalities.

I shudder at some memories but can't seem to push them away. The past can hurt, but it makes us who we are, whether we like that or not.


A/N: Heyyyy Lovelliesssss! :D
There were some deep things in this chapter! I know this was kind of a filler chapter, but I just find it really fun when it comes to writing from Lukey's POV and I wanted you guys to see more of her character. I'm also on holidays at the moment and wi-fi is very limited, but I'll try to update at least every 4 days.

Also, I want to know who my readers are! I find it amazing that actual people are reading what I'm writing. So, if you want, comment your name to the side and I'll give you a follow and read your books! :)

Bye for nowwwwwww....

To Infinity and BeyondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora