Chapter Eighteen: Meme

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I couldn't do this to him, if I stole his keys and ran away he would be beat or... killed.

I took the keys out of my purse and stuffed them in the middle cushion after he left.

"I'm going to go to bed... I'm tired", I added quickly. I got up and left the room and headed to the stairs.

As I headed down the hall to my room James grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me to face him as he pulled me into his room pushing me against the wall.

I tried to push him away but he grabbed my wrists and had me pinned.

"Danny is going to be gone for a few days and I expect you to be good, or else"
"Or else what?" I said angrily.
"Or else he won't be here to make us hold back".
I gulped.

"Okay I will be" I said trying to leave, he pressed on me harder.
"You will what?" He said.
"I will be a good girl" I said, he smiled.

Then he let go and shoved me out of the room. I sighed and walked to my room.

I need to escape.
I need to run and never look back.
I looked through the drawers and pulled out essentials. I found a bag and stuffed everything into it then I slid the bag under my bed.

Danny left and Adam knocked on my door, I let him come in.
"You hungry" he said with a smile.
"Starved" I said jokingly and faked a smile then followed him to the kitchen.

I tried stealing any granola bars so I could have something to eat when I escape. After stealing my third bar Adam came back from the bathroom.

"What do you want to eat? I'll cook anything" I thought for awhile then I replied with "I'll eat anything", hiding behind my hair.

He ended up making it a surprise and cooked me stir fry- it was amazing.
He waited for my reaction and I knew he saw it in my face that, that I had really enjoyed it.

"Want to come hang in my room", he said as I finished the stir fry.
"Sure", I said smally. Hopefully no one caught on, how I said I was going to bed.

We ended up playing against each other in super Mario bros on Nintendo, not going to brag but I won.

Whooped his cracker ass with every secret power up.

He went into the other room then came back a couple minutes later, "wanna play truth or dare with the guys" I thought about ( I can butter them up by playing dumb making it look like I wasn't planning an escape). "Sure" and we left his room and entered the living room.

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