"O ... kay," Zafer says slowly, giving Emir a confused look. But he helps him shuffle slowly to the door anyway.

Once they get out into the hallway, Zafer's curiosity wins out.

"What was that all about?"

Emir just sighs and leans against the wall for support.

"Kemal Amca showed us the detective's final report. And he explained all the things my mother and Cemre have been up to since the day Reyhan showed up in Istanbul."

"Are you okay?" Zafer asks, sad for his friend. "That must have been hard."

Emir shrugs.

"It was harder on Reyhan. She doesn't need this kind of stress. I'm worried about her," Emir admits. "I can't sleep now wondering how I'm going to keep her safe. How I'm going to keep my family safe. I have to do something."

"And I'm guessing that's what you want to talk to me about."

Emir nods.

"Let's walk and talk," Emir suggests. "I need to get used to moving again. I can't stay in this hospital. The faster I recover, the faster I can get out of here and get Reyhan someplace safe."

They walk a bit more than they should and Emir doesn't want to admit how tired he is when they get back to the room. But it's a "good" tired. He's actually feeling better. Stronger. More determined to do whatever is necessary to keep his wife and children safe.

"For what it's worth," Zafer starts as they stop just outside the door to the room. "I think this is a smart move. I'll oversee the renovations on the mansion and make sure everything is done by the end of the week. Then we'll set up the strongest security available. No one will be able to get in without you knowing."

Emir gives him a pat on the shoulder and they're just about to go inside the room when someone calls out to Emir. Both men turn to see a frazzled looking Süheyla coming towards them.

Emir can see the toll this is all taking on Cemre's mother. And on the one hand, he does feel sorry for what she's going through. On the other hand, he can't help but wonder how she never noticed how sick her daughter turned out to be. He can't help but wonder if she could have prevented some of Cemre's destruction. It probably isn't fair to blame the woman for what he and Reyhan have been through. But a small part of him does anyway.

"Süheyla teyze," Emir says politely, his manners kicking in.

"Emir. It's nice to see you up and getting around. How are you?"

Manners aside, the awkwardness of the exchange begins to wear on him. And he's too tired to stand here and have her beat around the bush.

"Listen ... I appreciate the concern, but ..."

"I know," she finishes for him, lowering her head in shame. "In light of all my daughter has done. I understand you."

"I assume this isn't really a social visit."

Emir turns his attention to Zafer, giving him a slight head nod towards his room. Fortunately Zafer takes the hint.

"I'm going to go inside and check on the girls," he says.

Emir waits until Zafer gets inside before turning back. He was actually looking forward to getting back into his bed to rest. His walk with Zafer was much longer than it should have been. But he doesn't want to taint his space with anything or anyone related to Cemre.

"There's a lounge that should give us some privacy," Emir says, pointing to a waiting room down the hall. And it should also give him a place to sit and rest.

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