2. An Accident In The Library

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            A couple of hours after Edmund had left, Peter and the others were still in the throne room decorating. (Mind you, the throne room was pretty huge.)

       Peter had just finished putting up a silver banner, when a faun and a tiger came running into the room. They searched the room frantically before their eyes landed on Peter.

       "High King Peter! It's your brother, King Edmund!'' The faun said frantically.

   Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. 

    "What happened to him?" Peter asked, his heart pounding as he started to panic.   ''He's bashed his head pretty badly on the stone around the fireplace in the library, it's bleading.'' The tiger said.

    Peter dashed out the room followed by the faun, the tiger, Susan and Lucy. 

He barged into the library to find Edmund on the floor with a big gash on his forehead. He ran over to him and picked him up, turning to the others.

   "Susan! A bowl of water and a cloth, quickly! Lucy, follow me." Peter ordered.

            Peter and Lucy ran to Edmund's room and set him down on the bed. Susan soon appeared with a bowl of water and a cloth.

       They cleaned up the blood and gasped at the sight of the wound.

     The gash looked deep, but thankfully not too deep. Peter guessed he hit it on the edge. Lucy got out her cordial and poured a drop in to Edmund's mouth.

 After a minute, Edmund stirred and opened his eyes. ''Where am I? What happened?" He asked.  He tried to sit up but Peter and Susan forced him down again.

        "You bashed your head in the library, it was pretty bad. What were you doing, Ed?" Peter said, sighed.

   ''I was reading in the library and I must have fallen asleep and fell out of my seat. Sorry if I gave you all a fright.'' Edmund said, knowing Peter would have been panicing. 

        "Thankfully your head didn't land in the fire. A feet and a half more and you would have been burnt." Susan said in a grown up voice which always annoyed her siblings. Lucy's eyes widened. "In the fire?!" She gasped, looking at Edmund with a look that had a mixture of fear, relief and horror. Tears filled her eyes. She had come in to the library when Peter had already picked Edmund up, so she didn't see where Edmund had bashed his head.

         "Susan?!" Peter turned to Susan with a look of anger. "Did you have to say that in front of Lucy?!" He asked, glaring at her.

     Susan looked at Lucy and imediately felt guilty.

          "I'm sorry Lu, I didn't mean to. But he was pretty close to the fire." Susan apologised, looking down at her hands. 

    Lucy burst in to tears and ran from the room.

          "You just made it worse!" Peter scowled at his sister. "You didn't have to go and say that out loud in front of Lucy! why do you always have to be like that?!"

      "I'm sorry! But I was just stating fact!" Susan snapped.

   "Stating fact or not, you upset Lucy. You shouldn't have said that, and did you have to say it in a grown up voice making it sound as if you were telling us to put on our coats because it was going to rain?! There are things which are not ment for Lucy's ears to hear. She was so excited about it being Winter, but now you've upset her! You know that ever since the whole ordeal about Edmund getting stabbed Lucy has been pretty protective of Edmund! You shouldn't say things like that in front of Lucy!" Peter snapped back, scowling. 

       "Yes, well, maybe you should have sent a guard with him. So that at least someone was with him in the library!" Susan shot back. The fuan and the tiger sneaked out of the room as quietly as they could, not wanting to get in trouble for listening in.

     "Enough you two!" Edmund shouted. 

   They both stopped and looked at Edmund.

         "It's bad enough that Lucy's upset without you two bickering about it!" Edmund glared them both, then turned and glared at Susan. "It was your fault so stop arguing about it! Now go and see if Lucy's all right, and apologise to her too." 

         Susan left the room.

   "Nicely handled, Ed. You did better then did!" Peter said, chuckling. When it came to arguments, Edmund could handle most of them with ease. Other times, he would join in with the arguing. 

       "Next time, will you please remember to put the fire guard in front of the fireplace. Next time you might not be so lucky." Peter grimaced at the thought. 

        Edmund chuckled. "I will."

   "Why wre you sitting so close to the fireplace in the first place?" Peter asked.

"I was cold. I must have fallen asleep while I was reading and slipped of my seat." Edmund answered.

        "Ed, did you sleep at all last night?" Peter asked slowly.

  Edmund hestitated.

      "Ed?" Peter pressed on.

Edmund sighed in defeat. "I slept a little bit."

     Peter sighed. He knew this would happen sooner or later. Since Winter was here, it meant nightmares were about to become more frequent. "Nightmare?" He asked.

   Edmund nodded.

      "How about you get some sleep, since you're tired." Peter suggested.

  Edmund hesitated, but nodded anyway. "Wake me up fo lunch?" He mumbled.

     "Of course!" Peter laughed.


      Thanks for reading!!! I'll update as soon as I can!!!

xxxx Claire :) 


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