1. Winter Has Come

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            "Winter's finally here! Which means Christmas!'' Lucy squealed, bouncing around the throne room.

             Fauns, centuars and talking animals were helping the Kings and Queens with the decorating. Everyone was just as excited as Lucy, which is understandable since Christmas hasn't happened in Narnia for 100 years. 

      Laughter filled the air as they rushed from here to there, getting teverything perfect, for on Christmas Day, there was going to be a banquet and a ball to celebrate. Festive greenery wrapped around the pillars, red and gold bows, golden bells,  and silver and powdered blue banners and streamers were everywhere. The huge Christmas tree to the right of the four thrones was already decorated.  

           Everyone was excited, cheerful and happy, except for one person................Edmund.

       He sat on his throne all wrapped up in a fur cloak, even though there was a huge fire crackling in the fireplace. He had a forced smile on his face and tried to look happy for everybody elses sake, especially Lucy. 


     Edmund turned to see Peter standing next to him.

         ''You all right?'' Peter asked. He could tell Edmund wasn't really enjoying himself, the forced smile said it all. Though he was the only one to notice. He knew Edmund hated winter, which was a shame since Edmund used to love winter and snow. But ever scince his time with the White Witch, Edmund feared anything that reminded him of her. It wasn't snowing, well, at least not yet. But Peter knew when it did start snowing, Edmund was NOT going to enjoy it.

       ''I'm fine. Just cold. Honestly, I'm fine.'' Edmund sighed, seeing the look on Peter's face. 

    ''Well, tell me if you need anything, okay?'' Peter said smiling a little. ''I will.'' Edmund slightly smiled back, a genuine smile. 

         ''Edmund!'' Lucy squealed, running up to him and giving him a hug. 

     Edmund looked startled, but hugged her back. 

       ''What's with the sudden hug, Lu?'' He asked. ''I just feel like hugging you, that's all! Winter's here and it means Christmas will be here soon, which means presents!'' Lucy smilled happily.

            Edmund's smile slipped a little, but thankfully, Lucy didn't notice as she twirled around before racing off to help some fauns decorate the fireplace. 

               ''You can go to the library and read if you want, Eddie. You don't have to stay here if you don't want to.'' Peter said, coming up beside Edmund again. Edmund was silent for a moment before nodding. ''Okay. But I don't want to hurt Lucy by leaving, she's so happy that winter's here.'' Edmund said shivering slightly. ''She'll be fine, I'll tell her you wanted to go and read in the library. She won't be upset, she'll understand.'' Peter said, glancing at Lucy who was now helping  Mr. and Mrs. Beaver with some streamers. Edmund hesitated before standing up.

         ''Thanks.'' He smiled before decending the steps. 

      ''And Eddie,'' Peter called after him.

        Edmund turned round to face his brother.

''Try not to wonder off.'' Peter chuckled. Edmund grinned and left the throne room.


        Sorry if this chapter was short! I hope they'll get longer! 

xxxx Claire :)

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