09: Paris in the Rain

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❝   I might not deserve it but there's nothing better ❞

Kang Seulgi's fist aggressively landed against the black punching bag repeatedly. Every hard punch she threw was followed by a hiss of irritation or a yell of frustration. It was nearing noon and her blood was still boiling.

First thing in the morning and Seulgi was already infuriated by the morning news. The faux mass shooting during the party in Jeju made it to the headlines. The masked gang was identified and was sentenced to prison. It was said the gang was seeking revenge from Jaebum's politician father and Bambam's Tracking business for exposing their gang's illegal business.

It was concerning how the public didn't question the lack of security and how did an average gang managed to trash the private celebration.

What made it more hilarious was the fact that Jaebum and Jackson were praised because they had sacrificed themselves to save other guests, resulting in a stab on the forearm and a gunshot just below the ribcage. Bambam had compensated all the damages and Jinyoung offered free medication to the injured guests. It was clearly all a show off to gain the public's respect.

Seulgi couldn't wait to expose their true colors to the public. All she needed was to earn the leader's full trust, and she wouldn't be able to do so if they only meet occasionally. It was contingent for him to spill all their gang's dirty secrets to her, but she needed to delude him into thinking she was not a threat to any of them— that she was on their side.

Seulgi removed her boxing gloves before taking a clean face towel, wiping down the beads of sweat gathering on her forehead. She exited the gym room and headed towards the kitchen.

"Lunch is served, tigress" Taeyong said as soon as she entered the kitchen. He carefully added the sunny side up eggs on top of the bibimbap bowls he made before untying his apron.

"How many times do I have to tell you to wear a fucking shirt?" Seulgi glared when she passed by him to the refrigerator, grabbing a clean glass and placing it under the dispenser.

Taeyong answered her with a chuckle as she downed the cold water, wiping her lips with the back of her hand afterwards.

"I won't be eating lunch with you guys, I have plans" Seulgi doesn't let him answer as she went straight to her bedroom.

She took a quick shower and changed into a white button up shirt and highwaist ankle cut jeans paired with black flats. After applying her signature red lipstick, she dialed Jaebum's number.

He picked up on the third ring. "Hello, may I know who is this?"

"Do you recognize my voice?" She asked playfully.

"Kang Seulgi?" He asked in amusement.

"You must really like me to even remember my voice" She teased.

Jaebum chuckled on the other end of the line. "How did you even get my number?"

"I have my ways, Jaebum" Thanks to Lucas she was able to get his personal number and not his secretary's that was indicated in his business card.

"How is your arm feeling by the way?" She asked in a more serious and concerned tone.

"You found a way to get my personal number to ask how I'm feeling? How sweet" It was his turn to tease her.

Seulgi rolled her eyes. "Don't get too cocky, Jaebum-ssi"

Jaebum responded with a laugh. "I'm feeling a lot better right now that you called"

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