Tom vs Voldemort

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Me: Now because every society has its dark messed up areas, I will be introducing a new set of ships that require great caution. These ships deal with Lord Voldemort, in other words, the Dark Lord, He-who-must-not-be-named, Tom Riddle. 

Ron: What the bloody f-

Hermione: Language!

Me: Ships that use his Tom Riddle name, are ships that deal with Voldemort's character before he became Voldemort. The ships with Voldemort's Voldemort name are ships that involve Voldemort himself. Now I must warn you that the ships with Voldemort are nasty. If you don't feel comfortable staying please leave now. I will call you back later when we're done with this section. 

*several students leave*

Colin Creevey: What's so bad about them?

Me: Imagine Voldemort in all his pale sickly glory showing physical affection.

Draco: Oh dear Merlin-

Harry: *bangs head on wall*

Hermione: Why do these even exist I-

*ao3's darkness rises*

*students slam laptops shut*

*Neville retrieves Sword of Gryffindor*

*Harry shudders*

*RoR shrinks slightly in size and conjures more blankets and pillows*

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