Bound In Ruins- Chapter 18

Start from the beginning

Taking off our helmets, Xander walked over to me and laughed.

"What? Do I look crazy?" I asked looking at him confused.

He grabbed my face in his hands and brushed my hair away from my face, "Beautiful."

I smiled at him as he kissed the tip of my nose.

"Come on, you sap." I stated grabbing his hand and walked us away from the bike.

As we reached closer to the building, Xander skipped the entire line causing me to be curious as to what he was doing.

Whispering to the bouncer, he said something about Reese and Lennox and the bouncer immediately let us in.

Confused, I continued walking with him anyway inside the dark filled club.

It was blaring with music and I would definitely be tone-deaf by the end of the night.

"How did you do that?" I yelled at him as we reached the bar inside.

The place was a madhouse with people littered everywhere and strobe lights flashing all over the place. The music was loud yet extremely upbeat, even making me want to dance.

"I've known this place for quite some time. I'm friends with the bouncer and Reese has been here several times too. Lennox knows he just only came here for a beer and would leave." He added,

"Nice. You thought that a night out like this was what I had in mind?" I asked confused.

He shot me a loose look, as if he were trying to lighten the mood.

"I know that we only have what a week left? I know you Soph, and you've been so scared and uptight as of late. I wanted to bring you tonight just to let loose, enjoy this time we have. I don't want to go back home and remember our last times together being so strained with sadness or fear." He stated running his hand up and down my arm.

I slowly nodded, half agreeing with him.

"I didn't think you noticed," I replied honestly.

I thought I was doing a good job at hiding what I was feeling.

"I notice everything about you. Now do me a favor love, and enjoy tonight." He stated shooting me a sad smile.

We hadn't ever talked about our future after graduation, but that we would continue speaking and trying at this.

He hadn't sounded convinced at all, causing me to be worried lately.

"I'll try. But not for you, for the sake of it being some of the last moments we will spend together for a while." I stated.

He shot me an even sadder smile and pulled me to his chest, "You know how I feel about you Soph. That will never change."

Had I really though? I knew that I loved him and I could feel that he had loved me too, but he never validated it.

Never did he tell me those words though.

Feeling his phone vibrate, he grabbed it and sighed.

"That's Reese. He wants me to come to the door. I'll be right back, stay here." He stated leaving me at the crowded bar.

Feeling slight uneasy, I scanned to try and find the bartender. Calling him down, he came over quickly.

"Need a drink?" He asked rushing over.

"You have ginger ale?" I felt sick, as if Xander's uncertainty was physically making me ill.

The bartender looked at me confused, "Sure."

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