Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Claire's POV

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Just tell me. I promise I won't get mad or run out" he said. Yea okay, I thought to myself. "Fine" I said, his gonna figure it out anyways, I guess it's best for me to tell him. "Just promise me, when I tell you. You won't get mad, and you won't look at me differently ''''I won't, I promise". I shook my head and took a big breath and begin to speak.

"Last year, on my sixteenth birthday my ex-boyfriend threw me a birthday party". I stop to look up at him, i can tell his mad about me mentioning a boyfriend. If his getting mad about that we are gonna have a long night. "Anyways", I continued not looking at him, " I was at my party for a few hours, when I decided to go find him, I was about to leave to go back home, so i wanted to say goodbye and thank you". I took a deep breath, trying not to let my emotions come forth. Sam must of could tell I was getting upset, cause one minute I was on the bed, the next I was on his lap.

"So I went to go find him and I did, only he was drunk, or acting drunk. I don't really know. Anyways, I took him up to his bed and I was about to leave, b-but he, um, stopped me, a-and he threw me on the bed. I-I told him to stop but- " I could tell Sam was getting pissed off, he pulled me impossibly closer and I stopped talking, I couldn't tell him anymore, it's like I was reliving that night. And I don't want to remember that night, many things happened.

"D-did he touch you, when you didn't want him to". I heard Sam say getting angrier at the moment, "was it that rogue we saw today". He said growling. I want to tell him but if I don't tell him, what will happen to me and him? Will he be mad at me for not telling him everthing? I just hope he doesn't leave me. "Yes, and yes". I whispered, not trusting my voice. I can tell he wanted to leave, but he didn't. "Claire, why didn't you tell me sooner" he asked gently. "I don't know,'' I said choking down a sob, "I thought if I told you, you won't want to be with me, you'll look at me differently". "I would never look at you differently, and no matter what happened to your past, I will always be with you. I love you too much for that. 

Did- did he just…. I don't think he heard what he said, or I hope he doesn't. I hugged him and said "Thank you" "Why are you thanking me" "For not leaving" "Never" he whispered. How can someone like me, end up with someone like him. I don't deserve him. "You should get some sleep," he said. I shook my head and laid down. "Stay with me" I whispered. He chuckled but obliged. I can here moving around and then he was in my bed. He pulled me closer and I snuggled into him. "I love you" I whispered and fell asleep.

      I woke up hot, very hot, I tried to move my blankets but it wouldn't budge. I opened my eyes completely to find Sam sleeping next to me. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I wiggled out of Sam death grip, trying not to make any noise. Once I finally got out of bed, I quickly got some gym clothes on. I was about to leave when I turned around and grabbed a paper and pen. I can already see Sam getting worried and mad if he doesn't find me in bed and in the house. Once I wrote my note, I headed outside to the gym.

    I've been in the gym for about an hour. I was shooting one of my guns when I heard my name being called. "In here"! I yelled. I hears steps and then the door opened. "Damn, what is all of this". I turned around and smiled at Sam. "My little hid out" I laughed a little. I'm not lying either, if I'm not in the woods or the gym, I'm here most of the time. I put my gun down, knowing Sam doesn't like me having weapons in my hands. "Please don't tell me, these are all of your weapons". I looked around the room, there is a lot of weapons. Guns, knives, bows, etc. "Well I guess they are now". I said. I pointed at a wall to my right. "These are the weapons I brought to Buna from my old house. The others was here when I got here". 

"Why is this one in a case"? He asked holding up the case. "That was my dad first knife",  I sighed, " I just thought it would be good to put it in a case. This knife is really rare. It's crazy i know". "It's not crazy". Sam said hugging me. I smiled. "When did you start liking weapons so much". Damn. I was hoping he wouldn't ask that. "Well I always liked knives and guns, I got that from my dad" I smiled remembering the first time I held and shot a .22 "then I started collecting them and using them, a few weeks after my sixteenth birthday" I whispered. Sam pulled me close and hugged me. "I am so sorry that happened to you, it kills me that I couldn't do anything" he said. I turn around and look at him, "Sam, you don't need to apologize. You couldn't help me, we didn't know each other". He lean down and kiss me.

My hands immediately went to his hair, tugging on it. "Sam" I said, I push back, I hate doing that, but I'm not ready, especially not just what happened. He pulled back and smiled. I can see the sadness in his eyes, "I'm sorry". I whispered, looking down. "Look at me," Sam said, I obliged. "Its okay, I understand. You're not ready. '' I smiled and hugged him.  "Now, why don't we get out of here, and we can have a night to ourselves". 

"That sounds fun, but first, I need a shower" " A shower?" He looked at me with a smirk. "Sam, really". I said putting my head down. We got in the house and I notice Cassy wasn't here. "Where's cassy" I asked to no one in particular. "Shes with her mate". Her mate… wait what. "What do you mean her mate". I said turning to face him. I can tell he didn't mean to say that but to late he did. "What aren't you telling me Sam?" He sighed and looked at me, "we need to talk". Shit… this won't be good

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