Chapter 15

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Sam got in front of me inhumanly possible. I heard another growl and first i thought it was that wolf again but then I realize it came from Sam. What the hell. How can a human growl. Sam turned around and looked at me. I looked up and saw that his eyes turned dark blue close to black. "Claire run now". When he said that the wolf jumped and Sam quickly pushed me. I flew like 20 ft away from them and fell on my feet first then I fell on a root of a tree. I felt pain in my ankle and wrist, I probably sprang them. 

I heard more growling and I turn right in time to see Sam turning into a wolf!?! That's when all hell broke lose. The other wolf thing jumped on Sam (I think), but Sam quickly shook him off and pounce on him. It went on for a while them biting and scratching each other Sam didn't have a lot of injuries, he was pretty good. If I wasn't scared to death I think I would be memorized.

I slowly got up which was a mistake, when I put pressure on my ankle I fell down again, I wince and the other wolf moved his head toward me and started running at me. I knew I couldn't just sit there and let it kill me, so I did what any crazy person would do, I looked around and saw a big stick. I quickly stood up and picked it up. And swung right on time to hit the wolf. And of course it didn't do anything but made it madder. I threw the stick down and slowly limps away from it. Everytime I moved it growled and walked closer to me, I hit a tree and it was about to pounce on me when I saw a flash of black in front of me and on the wolf. 

Since the wolf was to focus on me it didn't have time to react when Sam jumped on it. Then Sam bite his neck and literally tore off his head. I stood there in shock, when I got back in reality, I looked at Sam and saw blood on his mouth. He looked at me and ran/limped back to the house. I could hear Sam yelling my name. Wait? When did he get back into a human form, or whatever you call it.

I ran inside pass Cassy and into my room, I closed it just in time to shut the door in Sam's face. I limp to my bed a flop down, my ankle and wrist was killing but I was more worried about what the hell just happened outside. I was attacked by this huge wolf and I hit it with a stick and my boyfriend... (whatever you can call it) swift into a wolf. I kept hearing Sam knocking on the doorHow the hell can a person do that, unless he is some type of wolf man thing. Wait! Omg! No that can't be true all of those fantasy books I use to read when I was younger. It can't be true... can it?


I was sitting on my bed reading on my phone like I do all the time. I was about fifteen at the time, and I was waiting for my new boyfriend to go on my first date. I was so excited to calm my nerves, I started a new book. It was so entertained that I didn't even hear my step mom yelling my name and banging on the door. "Come in" I yelled, knowing it was my stepmom she's the only one everys knock and wait until I say come in. "Your date is here" she smiled, i can tell that she's happy but I can also tell that she worried.

I smiled and turn off my phone and put on my good boots, even though I live in the city and im going on a date. I still wear the same exact thing I wear everyday, which includes pants, bottom up shirt, and boots. I just make sure to get my good ones.

I walk in the living and he is waiting on me, I smiled and said bye to everybody and jumped in his car. " what took you so long?'' he asked. "I was reading a book and got really into it I didn't hear no one call my name" "what was it about"? I can tell he wasn't really interesting to know but I know he only asked to make talk. So I told him. He laughed at first when i told him about soul mates and what they are. It weird that he laughed about that and not werewolves.

"You don't believe in soul mates"? I asked " Nope. Do you ''? "No" I lied, I do believe that there is someone special for you, someone just for you.


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