Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Okay this is the last store" I looked up to see the sign. Victoria Secret. "Really, this place". I said looking at them. They both shook their heads and pulled me to the store, I turn around mouthing help to Sam, and of course, all he did was put his hands up and laugh. "Oh, let's go over there' Cassy said while dragging me along. This is so embarrassing. After a couple of minutes browsing I felt like someone was watching me. I looked up and saw a man… someone who I hadn't seen in about a year.

I stumbled backwards to find Cassy staring at the same spot I was. "Is that…" She trailed off. "Yea" I whispered, on the verge of either running away or passing out. "Stay by me until we get to Sam" I shook my head not trusting my voice. After Cassy finally persuade Sarah to leave without telling her why, we made it out of the store. "You girls ready to leave"? Sam asked. I shook my head yes and walk to stand by Sam. I feel safer beside him, now I finally know why.

I turn to the spot to see no one was there, I was thinking, maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but I have a sickening feeling that it was really him. "Well let's go" I heard Cassy say, knowing I wanted to get out of here. We got to the car when Sam's whole body stiffen and he sniffs the air and growl rogue. Great… if we have him… now we have a fucking rogue. Can my day get any worse. It was like someone was punishing me cause here he comes walking towards us. "Well, wells well, look who I found. Thought you would never see me again, huh, Claire". "Tyler" I whispered backing up. 

Sam looked at me with confusion written all over his face. He turned back around, when Tyler stepped closer. "I'll stop if i was you rogue" Sam growled. Tyler put his hands up and smile. That smile that haunts my dream, for a year.  "Easily there", Tyler starts to say, "I only want what's mine". While he was saying that he looked directly at me. I backed up some more, on the verge of crying. I guess San knew what he meant because he looked at him and growled while standing in front of me more. "Claire, you remember don't you… all the fun you had… especially the last night we saw each other". He said smirking. 


"Claire are you ready" I heard my stepmom call me. "Coming". I yelled. today is my sixteenth birthday and I'm gonna spend it with my boyfriend and my friends. Normally I will spend it with my family, but Tyler said it's gonna be fun. So finally after a lot of convincing my dad he said I could go. I run downstairs to see tyler at the doorway. I ran up to him and hugged him saying hi. I said bye to everyone and went outside. My stepmom pulled me back and whispered in my ear, "if you need anything, call me no matter what it is.'' I hugged her and said ok.

"I'm gonna find Tyler" I yelled at my friends. We've been at the party for a few hours. And I hadn't seen Tyler for a while. Making my way to the kitchen, I finally found him, with his friends laughing and talking. He saw me and stumbled towards me. I easily catch him before he fell on the floor. "Hey babe" he slurred his words. He grabbed me and kissed me, I can taste the whiskey on his lips. "You"re drunk, lets go" 

I helped him up the stairs and in his room, I put him on his bed and covered him up. Making sure I put a trash can by him, just in case. I kissed his head and said goodnight. I was about to leave when he grabbed my hand. "Stay with me" Tyler said. I smiled and said, "I wish I could, but I have to be home in a little bit". I turned around and the next thing I knew I was on his bed with him on me. "Tyler get off, you're drunk" I said, you can hear the fear in my voice. "Shut up you bitch" he growled and slapped me.



What does this rogue mean, and how does Claire know this rogue. I can tell Claire is scared of him, I can feel the fear inside of her, and that makes me more pissed off then I'm already am. I wanted to go over there and rip his head off, but i didn't want scare Claire, she's just starting to trust me and I don't want to scare her. "I'll tell one last time , get the fuck out my land"! I yelled using my alpha voice. He flinched, barely, but he did. "I will once Claire gets over here". I growled. "You touch her you fucking die". 

"Oh I will touch her… and soon" the rogue said. He turned around and ran back in the woods, I mind linked my guards to capture him and bring him into a cell. I turn around to see Claire by the truck, with fear in her eyes. Whatever that rogue did to her, it left a mark. This is the first time I see her scared, see her so vulnerable and I hate it.

I walked over to her and put my hand on her cheek, "Claire,'' I whispered,"its okay, his gone, and his not coming back". She looked up and me and shook her head. "Let's go home" I said. She got in the truck and buckled up putting her head on the window. This is killing me, seeing her so sad. I can tell she is holding in her tears. I don't want her to cry, but then again if she does than I can show her that I'm always there for her and I won't think shes weak.

When we got home, she headed straight into the room, not looking back. I was about to follow her when Cassy stopped me. "Let her have a minute," she said. "How does she know that rogue" I couldn't hold it in anymore, I have to know. Cassy looks at me with sad eyes, "what did he do to her" I said softly, I wanted to know but something inside me told me I don't want to know.

"I can't tell you what happened, that's not my secret to tell,'' she begins, "let's just say, what he did, changed Claire. A lot. '' What does she mean?

I walked up the stairs, to Claire's room. I open the door to see her on her bed hold a… knife? "What are you doing" I asked kinda scared to hear the answer. "I don't know", she whispered, "thinking". "About"? I asked stepping closer, wishing she would put the knife away. "My life… how fuck up it is". She said. "It's not fucked up" I whispered. "Ha", Claire laughed, "you don't know half of it". "Why don't you tell me". She looked up and put the knife down, thank God. "If I told you. You wouldn't look at me again, nor would you want to see me again". She said putting her head in a pillow. "Who said that"? "No one said that", she replied, "I just know". "Well you're wrong". I said, sitting on the bed.

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