"Yes." I feel cold air rush over me and I feel an  emptiness, like I'm floating over the ground. I feel weightless.

"Will you stay with me forever if I ask you to?" Artemis asks.

"I will." I nod and squeeze her hand.

"Do you still trust me?" Artemis wonders at me.

"Absolutely." I reply.

"Then open your eyes, Guardian." Artemis tells me.

I open my eyes to find Artemis and I are floating up above Oympus. We stand in the air, under the moon. I look down, but I do not fear the height. I feel at peace, more so than I have been in quite some time. My soul hums with power.

"Can you feel it? Your soul is calling to my domains. Joining with mine." Artemis whispers.

"Yes. I feel the woods all over the planet, I feel the moon churning the tides of the oceans and fresh water, the wolves that run in packs and the lone ones. I feel the weakening of the roots of the trees and the freezing night air. I feel you." I whisper in return.

"You are becoming a Guardian for life, Perseus. Your answer to one of my questions. I must ask you now. Will you stay with me forever?" Artemis asks, looking into my eyes.

"I will." I answer, staring right back, my gaze will not move from her eyes.

She puts her hand over my heart. "This will hurt. And it will hurt when I brand more. Moonlight is searing. Are you ready?"

"I am." I say and a silver light comes from her hand and I feel a burning sensation right where my heart is.

She moves her hand to my right shoulder and the light follows. We still look into each other's eyes.

"Turn around Perseus and trust that I mean no harm." Artemis says.

I nod, rip my gaze away from hers, and turn around. She lifts my shirt up and over my head and I hold it at my elbows. Her hands press into my back and I shiver. The burning heat moves up and down my back. I feel the light moving around and after a few minutes, the heat seeps from my back and Artemis turns me around.

"The picture your soul drew with the moonlight is more elaborate than I thought it would be. Would you like to see?" She asks me softly.

I nod and she holds out her hands. A mirror appears and I see it is a special mirror. "Show me my Guardian's soul drawing." Artemis whispers and I see my back in the mirror.

I look at the bright silver drawing etched into my skin. A moon is near my right shoulder blade, a cliff with a wolf howling up at the moon itself. The sea is below the cliff and swirls under the moon beams shining down upon them. The wolf is shining as bright as the moon, while the cliff and sea blend different shades of silver. The wolf's fur is golden and has the symbols of my patrons, the symbols of my father, and my own symbols. The symbols glow with the colors they bear when they are shown in real life. The moon holds the Airia in its clutches, in red and black. A man sits next to the wolf, holding a silver bow in his lap and has one hand resting on the wolf's back as he looks up at the moon. His other hand rests on his bow. He is outlined in black and his shadow is mixing with the wolf's. The stars shine in the constellation of the Huntress.

"That's on my back?" I ask hesitantly.

"It is. I realize now that I may have chosen the perfect guardian. Look at your heart, it holds the moon. Then your shoulder holds a trident for your father." Artemis says.

The moon over my heart is pure white and the trident marking my shoulder is royal blue. But there is a chain of silver and sea green connecting them. Two chains. The color of one is silver, the other sea green. Then I notice the difference about my body. My scars.

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