You Only Have One Shot: A B.A.P Love Story: Chapter 9

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You Only Have One Shot: A B.A.P Love Story

Chapter 9: Himchan's Dreams

Himchan looked to the horizon full of lights from cars and builings and the sky full of stars. He sat at the roof of the B.A.P dorm thinking about Eun and how was she, they couldnt visit her as much because of their schedule. Just one more day till Christmas and Eun hasnt woken up, one more day till Christmas and the rest of B.A.P wasnt happy that Christmas was going to be a sad Christmas. He looked to the horizon with his eyes gathering tears to the thought of Eun.

"I wonder what Eun is dreaming right now... Maybe she will get a few memories of her back. I just hope she doesnt forget about B.A.P or... Me..." Himchan thought.

Himchan sat down there, moments later his eyes closed and he was now in dreamland. Himchan found himself on the ground looking up to the dark night snowy sky. Himchan looked confused but he stayed there looking at the sky. He looked around to see nothing but snow, and a few light post. Himchan stood up and looked around to see that he was in an old park maybe the park was abandoned.

Himchan began to walk and look around at the empty park, the park had a dim light from the old light posts. He looked at the snowy benches and the snowy path he was walking on.

Himchan felt the cold breeze hit him like razor blades, as he kept on walking he couldnt help but feel a pain in his heart. Moments later he found himelf in a little circle like if it was the middle of the park, in the cirle there was tables and chairs and for some reason Himchan got a feeling that he should sit down and wait, he didnt know what he had to wait for but he just knew that he had to sit down and wait and so he did. Himchan sat down and waited, and waited. He looked a bit impatient as he looked around to see if he looked at something that was a sing for whatever he was waiting for.

In the distance Himchan saw someone walking towards him, it was a girl, walking in the snowy path. Himchan stood up and looked at her not really seeing very well her face.

When the girl was finally in front of Himchan he looked at her weird because she was looking down and he wasnt able to see her face, the girl then looked up to see that it was Eun. Himchan looked at her in shock.

Once Himchan looked at her all the lights in the park were light up like if the park was new. Eun smiled at Himchan but Himchan couldnt even smile he was still in shock to see Eun.

"Do you remember me?" Himchan asked nervous.

Eun smiled and nodded, holding back his tears Himchan hugged Eun.

Himchan sigh in relief. Eun and Himchan began to walk around the now light up park.

All though the park was light up the park as still empty. As they walked Eun and Himchan werent saying a word, they just looked at each other sometimes and smiled. Himchan looked at Eun when she wasnt paying attention, he saw her small smile when she was looking at the snow, he looked at her red nose due to the cold, he looked at her hair that covered her ears, he looked at the reflection of the lights of the park in her eyes. Himchan looked down and laughed in a shy way.

Eun looked at him.

"What?" Eun asked smiling.

"Your nose is red. You look like rudolf." Himchan said laughing more.

"Is cause is cold!." Eun said covering her red nose.

"I know, I know." Himchan said smiling.

They kept on walking till they saw a small camp fire. It was weird to find a camp fire in a park but they ignore it and sat down near the fire. Himchan's and Eun's hands her a few spaces away from each others hands, Himchan getting more nervouse he began to move his hand closer to Eun's hand till he finally hold on to Eun's hand.

Eun didnt looked at Himchan's hand but she smiled and held on to Himchan's hand making Himchan smile. They stayed there talking about random stuff such as the snow, the sky, the light up park.

"I was afraid you werent going to remember me." Himchan said looking down.

"Why would I forget you?" Eun asked.

"I was just afraid of that." Himchan said.

"Well I remember you, so you dont have to worry about anything." Eun said smiling at Himchan.

Himchan looked at her while Eun smiled and then stood up looking to the sky. Himchan stood up as well looking at her while she looked to the sky when suddenly Eun felt someone hold on to her wrist and pull her into a hug.

Himchan hugged her not wanting to let go of that hug. As Himchan hugged Eun he smiled so happy that Eun didnt forget about him.

The hug for Himchan felt like it lasted an eternity. All of the sudden Eun pushed Himchan away from her but the push was a push that said "get away from me." Himchan looked at her in shock and confused.

"Who are you?!" Eun yelled.

"What..." Himchan said almost in tears.

"You heard me! I dont know you! Get away from me!" Eun yelled and ran away.

Himchan's heart began to hurt and he felt that his feets werent touching the ground. Everything went black, the park was gone, the light of the park disappeared, the was no more snow. Himchan found himself floating then hitting water and sinking not being able to swim.

Himchan tried to swim but somehow he couldnt swim, when he looked up to the surface he could see Eun looking at him. Himchan then took a breath and thats when he began to drown. Then he sat down and was back at the roof of the B.A.P dorm, he cough trying to catch his breath, he finally woke up from that dream. He finally was able to catch his breath, thinking and hoping that Eun doesnt forget about him in real life.

To be continue...

*To see images and Gifs of the story click were it says "External Link" In the end of this chapter.*

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