You Only Have One Shot: A B.A.P Love Story: Chapter 2

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You only have one shot: A B.A.P Love Story.

Chapter 2: Friends.

The boys stood there in shock to those words, how were they supposed to answer her? Being a good leader Yongguk got close to her and smiled.

"Eun Sun, Eun Sun is your name."

"Eun...Sun..." She said.

"You don't like your name?" Youngjae asked.

"I need to get use to it...who are you people?"

"I'm Yongguk, he is Daehyun, Zelo, Youngjae, Himchan and Jongup. We are a music group call B.A.P."


"Does that name sound familiar to you? Maybe you have heard our music before." Himchan said.

"No... I can't remember anything." She said looking down to her hands. The some hands held on to hers, she looked up and saw that it was Yongguk holding her hands.

"You don't need to worry, maybe is better if you don't remember. You have us, we're your friends now." Youngguk said while he smiled at her.

"Thank you... Um..."


"Yongguk... I almost had it."

"Is okay, it might take time for you to remember." Daehyun said.

Zelo couldn't stop looking at her, he looked at her head that had an elastic bandage that had a bit of blood on it, he looked at her face that had scratches and a few bruises, her broken wrist. Eun looked at him and notices he was looking back at her, when he notices that she was staring back at him he looked away fast. Eun got a bit confused but she then continue her conversation with Yongguk and the others. Zelo wasn't talking so when no one notice he left. A few minutes later the doctor walked in with a psychologist and a policeman. The psychologist began to ask Eun a few questions but never revealing her past to her. The members said their goodbyes and left. They found Zelo in the waiting room drinking some soda.

"Where you go?" Asked Jongup.

"I was thirsty." Zelo said.

"Well lets go, I'm hungry." Yongguk said.

Later that same night all the members went to eat, at the restaurant everyone was talking and having a good time.

"Those fans are crazy." Dehyun said.

"Crazy... for me." Himchan said with a funny look on his face while he pointed at himself.

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