Tris in Labor

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Tris pov.

I woke up in extreme pain in my lower stomach and i realize that i was going labor. I instantly woke Tobias up. "Tobias I am going in labor." I said shaking him awake. "What?" he said confused."I am going into labor!" i said louder. "Oh! Ok come on lets go to the hospital." he said as he picked me up and carried me to the car. "Is the bag in the car?" I asked as he put me in the passanger seat."Yeah." he said when he got in the car "Ok-Ohhhh!" I said as I went into a contraction. "Are you okay sweetie?" he asked. "DO I LOOK OK!" "I am sorry honey." "he said as he pulled onto the highway. When we got to the hospital i had had about five contractions and they were only getting worse. "Can i get a wheelchair, my wife she has gone into labor." he asked a nearby nurse. "Yes sir, here you go i can take you to a delievery room too, when you are ready."she said. "Okay." he said as he sat me down in the chair. The nurse then lead us to our delievery room and then called my doctor." Hello Tris how are you doing?" "Okay i guess doctor when can i start pushing?" i said ready to get this baby out. "Soon, how far apart are your contractions.?" she asked "Four minutes apart." she said  "Okay you will be able to give birth i a few minutes just let me get prepared and we can get started ok?"she said smiling "Ok." i said  "I am going to call your parents and the gang tell them you are in labor. " "Ok." I said After a few minutes my parets arrived and shortly after the gag, but they couldn't stay in the delivery so they waited in the waiting room but mom stayed to help me get through. "Tris are you ready?" said doctor Manson as he came in with a nurse. "Yes sir I am past ready." i said. "Okay when i tell you to push i wat you to push really hard for me." he said "1,2,3 push." I grabbed Tobias hand and pushed really hard. " Just a few more pushes tris." I pushed agian. "Give me one more big push." i pushed one last time. "Congratulations, you have given birth to a beautiful babygirl! What would you like to name her?" he  said."Makayla Ellie Eaton." we both said at the same time. "Okay well here is Makayla." the doctor said givig me my angel. she is so beautiful she has her daddy's beautiful eyes and my small nose and her hair is a mixture of the both of ours.I looked up at Tobias and saw he had tears in his eyes. "Do you want to hold her?" "Yeah. i do." i gave Makayla to TObias and watched as he talked to her she instantly fel asleep,i knew then that she would be a daddy's girl. I looked at my mom and saw her cryng. "Mom you okay?" i asked rubbing her back. " Yeah its just i so happy to be a grandmother,let me go get the other so they can go see the baby." she said 

"WHERES THE MINI TRIS AND FOUR!" Uriah came in screaming. "Shh, she is sleeping." tobias whispered while Marelene slapped him upside the head every body held Makayla and cooed over. After an hour or so everybody left, so it was just Tobias and I. " Honey you should get some rest you have had a pretty exhausting day." tobias said kissing my forehead. " I know and I am not gong through it ever again we are never having another baby." I said "All man i was hoping to have 5 more kids" he joked. "Thats not funny, i am going to sleep." "Okay I Love you." he said kissing me. "I love you too." i said falling asleep instantly.

The next day i wake up to Tobias feeding Makayla in the arm chair. He is a wonderful father and husband. "Good Morning honey thank you for feeding her."i said as Tobias walked over to me, th doctor put me on bed rest so i couldn't get out of this stupid bed. "Hey we need to get a new house so that Makayla can have more space and a room for herself." "Yeah i know, get the computer for me ." i said sitting up in the bed. after afew websites and countless hours of searching for houses, we finaly found the perfect one for us."Honey can please buy this house,it's peerfect." i begged. "Yeah i guess."he said as he handed me Makayla and left to buy the house. I laid back in the bed a rocked Makayla to sleep.

 The doctor said that the baby and I can go hometoday, so we arewaitng for Tobias to come around front with car. "You ready to go?" Tobias asked. " Yeah." I said. We the head to our new house with our new family.

It took so long to wriye this part, my computer wouldn't save it for anything and i had to rewrite it. Guess what I got a computer for christmas so I will bemore updatig a lot  more. I also deletedmy new story because I didn't like how it started so I am going to rewrite and update t soon. Comment, read, and vote.

Love ya,


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